How Does This Make Sense ?

As you read the following reflect on the ludicrousness of what you are actually reading. Granted this dichotomy occurred in two different, but very similar and adjacent countries, but think about the following and mull over what this means for our culture in general.

Although both of the following seem absurd to me, think about the repercussions of each. What message is being sent?

First of all from Townhall:

“Last week, serious charges against hundreds of individuals who engaged in rioting last summer have been dropped by local and federal authorities.

The vast majority of citations and charges against often violent protesters were ultimately dropped, dismissed or otherwise not filed, according to a Guardian analysis of law enforcement records and media reports in a dozen jurisdictions around the nation.

In most of a dozen jurisdictions examined, at least 90% of cases were dropped or dismissed. In some cities, like Dallas and Philadelphia, as many as 95% of citations were dropped or not prosecuted.”

Yes, you read that right . . . 90-95%! Will someone please tell me how this makes any sense. How does this not encourage future anarchy? Can anyone explain how BLM fueled destructive rioters can for the most part go unpunished? Is this what we should continue to expect from a Biden Justice Department?

Meanwhile in Canada videos demonstrate a heavily armed team of SWAT police arresting a man in the middle of a highway . . . in the rain. The criminal is shown kneeling on the highway surface with his hands behind his head before being handcuffed and dragged away. 

Wow! Impressive SWAT action for . . . a murderer? … an armed bank-robber? … a child molester? Err . . . none of the above, but the captured criminal was Artur Pawlowski, a Canadian Christian pastor, after he had held his church service. He was arrested because he was “inciting” people to go to church. 

Let that sink in! “Inciting people to go to church!” Granted when the police had twice come during prior church services, he made a big stink and his antics were captured on video. Everyone, including myself, presumed that Pawlowski was not going to be allowed to show up the police a third time, and so it was not surprising that he was “captured” and arrested. But a SWAT team? A heavily armed SWAT team? Forced to kneel on a highway on a rainy day? Handcuffed and dragged away?  How does this make any sense? Strong work, Calgary police! You have certainly taught everyone that it doesn’t pay to stand up to the government, and especially it doesn’t pay to try to hold or go to church services if the government says, “No!”

Now finally compare these two scenarios.

Destructive BLM rioters are allowed to go unpunished … but try holding a church service, and you will pay!

How does this make any sense ?


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