How Do You Spell … Boring ?

You were right if you said that it began with a ‘B.’

Without going into detail, B-O-R-I-N-G would be an apt description of the Democratic Convention Without going in to great detail, the TV ratings were bad, and did not improve..

On Wednesday a.m. the news was:

The ratings for the first two nights of the DNC are in and they aren’t very good. Compared to four years ago, total viewership among the broadcast networks is down 42%. Even among the hardcore audience of the cable news networks, the Democrats are running at a 16% deficit compared to 2016

On Thursday:

According to fresh polling from Rasmussen Reports, President Trump’s approval has gone up by four points in 24 hours, indicating a DNC convention bump for his candidacy. The increase in approval rating comes after Democrat Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris gave her keynote address at the convention Wednesday night. 

Furthermore on Wednesday night when California Sen. Kamala Harris accepted the nomination for vice president, the Democrats struggle to find 30 people to fill that virtual audience board. So, they copy and pasted duplicates to fill it up!

On Thursday, during Biden’s speech, instead of copy and pasting duplicates onto the virtual audience board, they left six of the sixteen spaces blank. Either they could not find any individuals fill these empty spots or no one knew how to technologically remedy the problem. I am not sure which is worse. Keep in mind that this is the same DNC that wants to run our government!

There has been praise for Biden’s acceptance speech. I guess when the bar is set low, it is easy to rise above expectations. I will admit that he did a good job of reading short sentences off a teleprompter.( I tested my four year old granddaughter, and . . . she, also, could read these sentences. She did not read them as fast as Basement Joe did, but she had not been practicing for weeks, and we do not have a basement!

In an interesting show of hands, CNN stated that the Republicans should adopt the DNC method for its convention (meaning “please do not give Donald Trump a chance to fire up an audience.”), and then the Chairman of the DNC said that “he hoped that his Republican friends would go the same route” that the Democrats did in their convention…all in the name of safety of course. (meaning “our convention was a flop, so please follow in our footsteps so that yours will also be a flop!”).

Whether any of this is indicative of low enthusiasm going into November for the Democrats is an open question. We’ll need to see the RNC and how it performs to get something to compare it to. If the RNC does beat out the DNC, it would be another piece of evidence that polls aren’t always what they seem. It’ll also be interesting to see if all these “news” networks give the same amount of airtime to the RNC.

Regardless, there’s no doubt Joe Biden’s campaign is lacking excitement and draw. It’s really only a matter of whether anti-Trump sentiment carries enough people to polls to push him over the top, because Biden himself isn’t going to get them there.

“How do you spell BORING?    . . .  B-I-D-E-N.


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