“How ’bout those Chargers?”

“How ’bout those Chargers?”

If one takes this question at face value, the answer would be, “They’re horrible! They’ve left. Why would anyone even think about discussing the Chargers?” But this is generally not meant to be a real and sincere question, but merely a way to change the direction of the conversation. Usually the phrase is uttered by someone who is uncomfortable with the topic or by someone who finds him/herself on the losing end of a political “discussion”.

In the liberal press various forms of a phrase like this are now being silently spoken, as James Hodgekinson’s attempt to kill multiple Republican Congressmen, and their staffs  at a morning baseball practice is the top news story of the week, and for such a committed liberal to do something this despicable is against their usual political slant.

But it is not football season now, so it would be, “How ’bout those Xxxxxx?” – where Xxxxxx is a Major League Baseball Team.

From the Chicago Tribune, “How ’bout those Cubs!”

From The Boston Herald, “How ’bout those Red Sox!”

From The San Francisco Chronicle, “How ’bout those Giants!”

This deranged fanatic through his actions, multiple prior letters-to-the-editor, and posts on social media was a true “left-wing nut job” (to borrow my cousin’s phrase). However, my local “newspaper’s” editorial board went after those who dared to say that Hodgekinson’s motives were political!! . . . “How ’bout those Padres?”

The New York Times had an editorial in which they directly placed the blame for the actions of Hodgekinson on Sarah Palin!! . . . “How ’bout those Mets?”

Seriously though, I think that it is fair to ask the NYT if anybody (other that Sarah Palin) is actually responsible for someone like  Hodgekinson and his actions?

Okay, partially responsible?

Hodgekinson appears to have been very borderline as far as his mental stability was concerned, and this is exactly the type of individual that can easily be pushed over the edge by what the left considers to be humor . . . macabre humor.

Should we, as a society, hold leftists responsible if some unstable individual commits a violent act after listening to them speak? Should we expect them to be aware that their words could be the proverbial straw . . . the straw that pushes someone over the edge.

Should  Kathy Griffin have been aware of this?

Should Shakespeare in the Park have been aware of this?

When Madonna said, “Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House”, should she have been aware that some might take her seriously?

What about Robert De Niro saying about President Trump, “He’s been an embarrassment to this country . . . I’d like to punch him in the face.” Should he have been aware that when Vito Corleone and/or Raging Bull speaks, certain people might take him/them seriously?

Was Snoop Dogg trying to give a message to some deranged person when he pointed a pop-gun at Trump dressed as a circus clown, and then pulled the trigger?

Who was David Simon (creator of HBO’s ‘The Wire’) trying to influence when he said, “If Donald Trump fires Robert Mueller and is allowed to do so, pick up a goddamn brick . . .”

Should Snoop Dogg and/or David Simon have been aware that certain people might take their “suggestions” seriously?

Those on the left will not ascribe any degree of responsibility for these veiled calls for violence, but the irony here is that I think that all of the aforementioned were likely very aware that someone might take them seriously.


BTW, I found it quite surprising that the day after Hodgekinson was taking aim at and wounding Republicans in Virginia, the on-line Washington Post did not list this story among its five most read stories . . . perhaps its front-page headline that day read . . . “How ’bout those Nationals!!”


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