“Houston, We Have a Problem!”

What does the title of this piece mean, and what does it imply?

The phrase ‘Houston we have a problem’ literally means that the speaker has a problem with something or a situation. 

A few days ago I wrote a piece entitled, “It just keeps getting more bizarre.” The gist of this essay had to do with Damar Hamlin’s sudden death on Monday Night Football, and why all of the secrecy surrounding what the final diagnosis is. Initially, because of all the hush-hush, I suspected that this episode was related to vaccine induced myocarditis and a potential NFL cover-up, as years ago the NFL had taken a hard-ass, somewhat vindictive approach to the so-called “anti-vaccers.” Now the NFL is essentially saying, “Houston, we’ve got a problem?”

To heighten my suspicions, on the same day as my piece, a 25 y/o Belgian soccer player died suddenly on the soccer field during a game. In addition, I had my recent piece, ‘it just keeps getting more bizarre,’ reviewed by three different cardiologists, who all agreed that my “cardiac logic” was spot on, and thus, I continue to feel very comfortable with my speculative theory concerning Damar Hamlin. 

Let’s assume that my thinking is indeed correct. After thinking more about it, then certainly “Houston has a problem,” … but a different problem, and potentially a humongous problem. We know that the Covid vaccine can cause myocarditis, especially in young males. If the NFL actually came out and admitted that Damar Hamlin’s sudden death episode was related to vaccine induced myocarditis, a general national panic could ensue. Consider how many young males fit into this category, as the vaccine was mandated across the board in high schools and colleges in addition to professional sport’s teams. 

Concerning the Damar Hamlin situation, giving the benefit of the doubt to the treating physicians, presumably in conjunction with input from the NFL, could it be that their silence is designed to avoid panic? 

In addition, rumor has that the NFL Players Association is considering having the players screened for myocarditis. If that is so, then a total mess would follow. If players refused the screening test, what would happen to them? Would they be designated as “anti-screeners,” and treated similarly to the  previous “anti-vaxers?” If a screening test were to be positive on an individual player, would that player’s career be over? 

Hmmm! … Yes, indeed, “Houston, we have a problem!”


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