Homelessness in California

For years I have thought about the “homeless crisis in California,” but have not commented much about it because I do not have the answer. However, it is clear to me, and probably to anyone with even half a brain that those in charge in California are “clueless personified” in dealing with this issue. In fact their policies are “insane,” according to the definition of insanity put forth by Albert Einstein.(“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting adifferent result.”)

Today the headline in our local newspaper-via the Washington Post had to do with President Trump launching an effort to take homeless off the streets in California. According to the Post, White House spokesman Judd Deere said that “the President has taken notice of the homelessness crisis, particularly in cities and states where the liberal policies … are combining to dramatically increase poverty and public health risks.” Hooray for Mr. Trump! Maybe he can actually help.

Is he playing politics here? Clearly, this is part of it! As most are aware the President has criticized the Democrats, who run the state of California, on their handling of the homeless issue. He has referred to the states growing homeless issue as “ a disgrace to our country!” It is a disgrace! And furthermore Governor Newsom and other Democrats like Rep. Ro Khanna (D, Santa Clara) have to audacity to say that their incompetence is somehow Trump’s fault. This response follows the usual Democrat modus-operandi of using ad-hominem attacks to defend their own incompetence, rather than addressing the issue. 
What are the actual statistics on homelessness and California?
From the Public Policy Institute of California:Last year’s count revealed that about 130,000 Californians were homeless—nearly a quarter of the national total, even though California has only 12% of the nation’s population. California’s rate of homelessness, 33 per 10,000 residents, was among the highest in the country. After rising 14% from 2016 to 2017, the total number of homeless Californians declined slightly (by 1%) from 2017 to 2018.However, even with this slight decrease, homelessness remains a huge problem. Los Angeles County alone recorded nearly 50,000 homeless people. The other nine counties with the largest homeless populations reported between 2,300 and 8,600 people experiencing homelessness. And many areas across the state saw increases in the number of homeless people.

The vast majority of homeless Californians (69%) were unsheltered, meaning they were living in streets, parks, or other locations not meant for human habitation—the highest rate in the nation, and double the rate, 35%, for the rest of the country. Among homeless veterans, California has the nation’s highest share that are unsheltered (67%); and among homeless youth, the share that are unsheltered (80%) ranks second highest.

Liberal Media Matters blamed Fox News because they have been emphasizing the futility and the seriousness of the plight of the homeless in California. Media Matters stated that the network has painted a dire picture of American cities, calling them “almost Third World in their decay” and describing “a complete breakdown of the basic needs of civilization.” Again another ad-hominem attack without commenting as to whether the Fox News reports are true or false. Unfortunately, just as Trump’s comments about Baltimore being “rat infested” were true, the comments from Fox News about homelessness in California are also true! Hooray for Fox News.

My prediction is that if President Trump comes up with some ideas on helping to resolve California’s homeless issue, California will sue!

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