Hold … Stop … Wait

“Hold the presses!” …

“Stop talking!” …

“Wait a minute!” …

These are idiomatic expressions that imply that you better hold on because what you are about to say or do is possibly either not correct or is based on misleading data.

Initially I was going to direct this piece to the “mandate king,” Joe Biden, but actually what follows applies to a myriad of CEOs, mayors, and governors who are all basically saying, “get vaccinated or get fired.”

Who are those who are declining vaccinations and why?

Some individuals do not think that a mandated prophylactic Covid vaccination should apply to them because they have already had Covid …  “tough, get vaccinated anyway!” 

Some are citing religious reasons for not getting the jab … “tough, get vaccinated anyway!” 

Some do not want to get the second shot because they had significant side-effects after their initial vaccine inoculation … “tough, get vaccinated anyway!” 

Some just do not trust the rushed mRNA technology that produced both the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines, and others have their own other personal individual reasons for not getting vaccinated … “tough, get vaccinated anyway!”

Why all of the unyielding mandates by those who assume that they know best? Is there evidence that being vaccinated is the best thing for the company, the city, the state, or the country? It does seem logical that those who are vaccinated might be less of a threat to others, but is that the case? Those who are vaccinated are at less risk of getting a severe case of Covid, i.e. of harming themselves, whereas those who are unvaccinated are at greater risk of harming themselves. However, it seems to me that only if the unvaccinated are at a substantially greater risk of harming others, should their personal freedom to choose be taken away. 

And this leads me to a pre-print study from UC Davis, that as of yet is not peer reviewed. This study makes me think … err … maybe we should “hold the presses” on taking away an individual’s right to choose what is best for him/herself. Maybe all of those who are mandating vaccines, like the President, some CEOs, certain mayors, and certain governors should “stop talking,” and “wait a minute.”

This UC Davis study suggests that when it comes to policy making on how to mitigate spread of COVID-19, vaccine status might not matter that much. The reason is that higher viral loads make the virus more transmissible, and it appears both vaccinated and unvaccinated people who catch the Delta variant of COVID-19 have high viral loads.

The study suggests that a fully vaccinated person with a breakthrough case of COVID-19 who has no symptoms is just as capable of spreading the virus to other people as an unvaccinated person who is sick or one who has no symptoms.

“The data gathered in this study during the surge of the Delta variant strongly support the notion that neither vaccine status nor the presence or absence of symptoms should influence the recommendation and implementation of good public health practices,” the study states.

As study author, David Coil explained to the Davis Enterprise: “We really wanted to focus on this public health message, which is that our data show there are a lot of asymptomatic people that have high viral loads, there are a lot of vaccinated people that have high viral loads and there are kids that have high viral loads.”

Okay, let me get this straight. First of all UC Davis is not some schlock institution that cannot be trusted to put out valid data and a good study. According to this study, it appears to me that mandating that every Tom, Dick, and Harriet get vaccinated or lose their job is at the very least, overkill, and possibly misguided, and perhaps even anti-science and flat out wrong.

Hmmm … perhaps a break in the seemingly endless “get vaccinated or else” train is warranted.

What are the odds that Dr.Fauci will mention this study when he preaches his next Covid-gospel? … Slim and none!

What is the chance that vindictive higher-ups will backtrack on their mandate dictums because of this study? … None and none!



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