Hmmm !

Facebook has taken down a video posted by right-wing news site, Breitbart, and retweeted by President Trump, showing a doctor at a press conference vehemently making claims that antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a “cure for Covid.” The Facebook post had allegedly racked up 17 million views before being removed. . . .Hmmm!

Luckily I was able to view this post before it was censored, and listened to the entire “press conference.” The best part was a fervent plea by a black primary care physician basically begging that hydroxychloroquine be given a reprieve from politicians who are not doctors. She also challenged Dr. Fauci to stop his aloofness on the drug (he had famously said, “we need to do controlled studies”) She wondered out loud if he had ever treated a Covid patient. FYI,  the answer is undoubtedly, “no.” In a retort to Dr. Fauci’s haughty demeanor, she stated that she was seeing 10+ Covid patients a day, and had prescribed hydroxychloroquine hundreds of times with excellent success and no significant side effects! In fact she and many of her clinic staff are presently taking hydroxychloroquine 200 mg. twice a week for prevention. . . . Hmmm!

Then just this morning I read about an article in Newsweek by Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at Yale as well as the director of that school’s Molecular Cancer Epidemiology Laboratory. He argues in an op-ed that “the data fully support” the wide use of hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment of COVID-19.

“When this inexpensive oral medication is given very early in the course of illness, before the virus has had time to multiply beyond control, it has shown to be highly effective,” Risch argues in the column.

Risch adds that multiple studies over the past several months have demonstrated that the drug is a safe and efficacious treatment method for COVID-19. . . . Hmmm! (I guess that it would be very difficult to censor Newsweek at this point!)

Recently I read about a study treating for severely ill Covid patients with hydroxychloroquine. The study was out of Henry Ford hospital in Detroit, and the mortality of patients treated with this drug was half compared to those without this drug. That sounds very impressive to me, but I have not read about these results in our local paper. . . . Hmmm!

Does anyone think that the pooh-pooling of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19 has anything to do with the fact that in March, 2020 President Trump came out in favor of using that same drug? . . . Hmmm!

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