Good News

This week there has actually been some good news as Tucker Carlson just put out his third free Twitter monologue on the evening of 6/13. On the morning of 6/14, I watched this entire monologue. In fact I watched it twice, as it was amazing and very daring. 

Although I am usually not a believer in conspiracy theories, I found Tucker Carlson’s basic premise to be intriguing. 

 Carlson feels, like a lot of us similarly feel, that President Biden is using law enforcement to attempt to lock up his main political opponent.

He dates these multiple  prolonged Trump accusations over the years to something that he said during a Republican Presidential debate back on 2/16/2016 about the “weapons of mass destruction in Iraq” … at that time he said, “they lied,” and worse they knew they were lying. “They” being the Washington warmongers in the federal government complex. According to Carlson, this accusation put the bullseye on Trump, and that they will not be satisfied until the former President is in prison. Since then Donald Trump has been one who has consistently dissented from the Washington war agenda, and for this he has been and still is a marked man!

Carlson talks about other things in this approximately thirteen minute video, and he especially takes off after Mike Pompeo. I found this part of Carlson’s dialog to be especially entertaining.

Carlson admits that Donald Trump has flaws in his character. However, this is not something new, as many of Trump’s followers, including myself, say the same thing. Be that as it may, character flaws are not a reason to try to throw someone in prison … unless they cannot make that individual go away any other way!

The fact that Tucker Carlson speaks his mind on Twitter is good news, although it could well turn out to be a reason to try to throw him in prison.

Will Tucker Carlson’s 2/16/2016 turn out to be 6/13/2023? That would not be good news!


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