Good News !

This week there has actually been some good news in sports, specifically multiple examples of good news about the NBA, and even more specifically some good news concerning LeBron James. 

Good News #1:

The first piece of good news actually happened a few weeks ago when Phil Mickelson’s winning of a PGA tournament crushed the NBA in prime time Sunday TV ratings.

Good News #2:

The LA Lakers (LeBron’s team) were eliminated in the NBA playoffs. (No, I do not watch any NBA games on TV, but rather saw it in our newspaper.)

Good News #3:

(From the Washington Times)

LeBron James is the most hated player in the NBA, according to social-media measures. And he’s proven even less popular than Colin Kapernick in one unscientific “poll.”

Citing geotagged Twitter data, the Los Angeles Lakers, Miami Heat and Cleveland Cavaliers star was declared the most hated NBA player in nearly half the states by

Kowtowing to China, doxxing a policeman, and leaving the court area late in a decisive playoff loss … it all adds up.

Good News #4

(From the Daily Caller)

LeBron James’ upcoming movie “Space Jam: A New Legacy” looks unbelievably bad. The Los Angeles Lakers star is the face of the sequel to Michael Jordan’s incredibly successful movie with the Looney Tunes, and it looks borderline impossible to stomach.

Justice is served for the “woke” NBA, and the “super-woke” LeBron James !

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