Go West, Young Man!

Apparently the news is in . . . drumroll, please!

Kanye West is running for President . . . err, at least we think that he is running, as he said that he is”taking off the red hat,” signifying that he is no longer supporting Trump, but rather is focusing on his own candidacy. At this point he has not filed any official paperwork.

For those of you who don’t know who Kanye is, he is a mega-rapper, and an avowed conservative. Up until last week, he had been a big Trump supporter.

What happened and why?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

First of all he is against many things that the liberal Democrats stand for. He is disgusted with the fact that the Democrats are again taking African Americans for granted. In fact Joe Biden said that if an African American did not vote for him that he really wasn’t black! Kanye West expressed his displeasure with this obvious racist comment.

What’s up with Mr. West?

Up until about a week or so ago both he and his wife of six plus years, Kim Kardashian were big Trump boosters. (As you may remember Ms. Kardashian

helped persuade the President to commute Alice Marie Johnson’s life sentence for nonviolent offenses in 2018. FYI, Alice Marie Johnson is black.)

Are Kanye West and his wife planning on stabbing Mr. Trump in the back?

Let’s think this over.

Back in January of this year it was estimated that President Trump could get about 20% of the black vote, which would have been up considerably from 2016. This was because of the dramatic economic improvement that blacks were having under the Trump presidency. Again that was in January before all of upheaval with the coronavirus and BLM. At this point I would guess that Mr. Trump would be lucky to get 5% of the black vote, as either blacks will vote for Biden or they won’t vote. Of course thing can change . . . who can predict anything these days!?

With this in mind, to me there is only one logical reason for Kanye West to consider running for President, and that is to siphon black votes away from Biden. Again from my viewpoint there is no way that Biden can win in November without the black vote. How many votes are we potentially talking about?

Q: How many African Americans are there in the U.S.?

A: According to the 2010 census, there were 37,144,530 non-Hispanic blacks, which comprised 12.1% of the U.S. population. This number increased to 42 million according to the 2010 United States Census, when including Multiracial African Americans, making up 14% of the total U.S. population.

First some facts:

When Barack Obama won in 2008 and 2012, black voter turnout increased to 64+% in both of these elections, compared to 60% in 2004 and 56% in 2000.

In 2008 and 2016 Obama won 96% and 93% of the black vote.

So for the sake of discussion, let’s assume that 60% of the African Americans(AA) vote in the 2020 election (similar to 2004), and let’s assume that 90% will vote for Biden. (37 millionAA x 60% voter turnout x 90% for Biden). That amounts to almost 20 million votes! If Kanye West runs, let’s conservatively assume that he will get 10% of the black vote. . . that would be 2 million less votes for “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t lack” Joe Biden. (If Mr. West runs, he could feasibly get 25% of the AA votes . . . that would be 5 million less votes for Biden.

Actually any votes that Mr. West hijacked from Biden, would be good for Donald Trump. Maybe we should organize a get together, with masks, of course, so that we can start making “Kanye West for President” posters!

Whadda ya think?


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