The other day when I was in my car, probably going to Costco, one of my all time favorite songs came on the radio. No, I no longer have Sirius XM, and no, this song was not by ZZ-Top or Queen. It was “Sweet Child of Mine.” No, not by Sheryl Crow, but by Guns and Roses (GNR). A group made up of Axl Rose and some really bizarre dudes. (GNR is one of the few things that I like that has come out of L.A.) After the song was over, my mind wandered to something that I had recently read about ‘Guns,’ but not Roses.

 In March when Covid and its consequent lockdowns, etc began, FBI background checks soared to a new record of 3.7 million. In June after the protests, etc. related to George Floyd, background checks soared to another new record of 3.9 million. In July after BLM induced rioting and looting, another surge in background checks to 3.6 million, the third highest month ever. Remember, these background checks, are related vis-a-vis to gun sales. Whether or not all of these background checks resulted in actual gun sales is irrelevant as all of these millions were now new potential gun owners.

A lot of these people are ordinary citizens – ordinary citizens who now feel that they should own a gun. Who do you think these new gun owners are going to be voting for? Sweet Child of Mine, obviously D.T., not Basement Joe who wants to take their Guns away.

The other amazing stat comes from some of the battleground states in the Midwest which are critical for Trump to win in November. This is something that I had never thought about before . . . deer hunting license sales. I would probably agree that most of these deer hunters are pro-gun and thus pro-Trump to start with However, for every deer hunter there are family members, friends, etc. and this adds up to quite a large number of votes. I would go out on a limb and say that most of these deer hunters are not answering calls from pollsters. 

Anyway, these numbers are huge!

Wisconsin: >600,000

Pennsylvania: 750,000

Michigan: 700,000

These deer hunters are not limited to these few battleground states. For example, West Virginia: 250,000.

As I have alluded to before, this is another relatively small group of voters who probably are not phone survey takers, but come November, will be voting for you-know-who.

BTW: I just googled and listened to GNR’s “Sweet Child of Mine” again . . . awesome!

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