Global Warming … Campbell 3

This is the third part of a scientific treatise about the different facets of “global warming,” taken from a long piece on Rip’s Newsletter, written by Terry M. Campbell, an actual expert in this field.

Campbell continues:

“Our atmosphere (air) is made up of five major gases (nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor) plus 12 measurable trace gases.  Not all of these gases are greenhouse gases. There are four major greenhouse gases, they are water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide.  The fact that greenhouse gases exist is a good thing.   Without greenhouse gasses to lock in the energy from the sun, the global temperature would be -459% F, and we would all freeze and die or would have never existed. The following is the make-up of the naturally occurring greenhouse gases:95% of it is water vapor and 4.964% is methane, nitrous oxide, and other trace gases; .036% is the naturally occurring trace gas carbon dioxide, with 97% produced by nature and only 3% attributed to man, which is less than 0.001% of the carbon dioxide in the total atmosphere is attributed to man’s use of fossil fuels. All Trace gasses are measured by parts per million (ppm).  Currently, the average global carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere is slightly over 400 ppm with a minuscule amount attributed to man (<.004 ppm).  The figures of the UN’s political non-scientific “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (IPPC) are different and very wrong.  In Europe, they have been using heavy sulfur coal for heat and to cook for thousands of years and to produce electricity for the past hundred years.  This has contaminated the entire continent with high carbon and sulfur ash.  Any readings taken in Europe are not representative of the rest of the globe.  I tend to believe NOAA and NASA. They are not political organizations (yet) and have far more accurate equipment and much better-trained engineers and technicians than any political global organization. In short, we know a lot about the earth’s atmosphere and climate.  We also know a lot about long-term predictive climate models.  And we know they don’t work. They haven’t worked in the past.  They don’t work now.  And it’s hard to imagine when, if ever, they’ll work in the foreseeable future. There’s a common-sense reason for this.  Aside from the human brain, the climate is the most complex thing on the planet. The number of factors that influence climate; the sun, the earth’s orbital properties, oceans, clouds, and, yes, industrial man; are huge and enormously variable.  Climate change and air pollution are two different subjects with very little relation to each other and should be treated separately.  Air pollution is from emissions of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitric Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ozone (O3), Methane, etc. located in very localized-industrialized areas, not globally.  We can and should work on air pollution.  CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) IS NOT A POLLUTANT.”

That last phrase in boldface is worth repeating … “CO2 Is not a pollutant.”

If this is indeed the case, then the entire postulate of the global warming religion goes out the window!


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