“Global Warming” … Campbell 1

I recently read a long article on Rip’s Newsletter about global warming written by Terry M. Campbell. “Who’s he?” You might ask. Like you, I had never heard of him, but his background is uber impressive, with “multiple engineering, science, and legal University degrees.  He has spent 30 years designing computers for International Business Machines (IBM), therefore knows a lot about computer simulation, having designed the hardware on which these simulations run. He has designed, programmed, implemented, and run thousands of simulations of many kinds.”

He notes that he wrote this original white paper in October of 2009 to vent and let off steam from the UN IPCC claiming to be scientists and giving all real scientists a bad name by association. He has updated this paper several times as “politics changed, but the science has remained constant.” (His last revision of this paper was on 10/24/22.)

I do not profess to be a global warming or anti-global warming guru, however his piece had more factual information than I have ever seen on the subject of global warming, and I plan to repeat this info piecemeal over the course of a few weeks.

From Campbell’s most recent update:

“Below all of the lower-numbered weather cycles are embedded in each of the higher-numbered weather cycles.1st cycle – 24-hour or one-day cycle – rotation cycle2nd cycle – 365¼ day or one-year cycle – orbital cycle3rd cycle – 11-year cycle with sliding variable beginning–sunspot cycle4th cycle – 26,000-year cycle – axis wobble cycle5th cycle – 100,000-year cycle – expanding/contracting orbit cycle We are slightly past the middle of the 100,000-year 5th cycle (about the mean average distance from the sun). We are currently leaving the warming trend and entering into the cooling phase of the predictable 4th cycle (26,000-year cycle–axis wobble). The current tilt on the earth’s axis is causing the warmer summers and cooler winters in the northern hemisphere.  This is all normal, we humans have absolutely nothing to do with the climate. The ice in Antarctica, a continent larger than North America, is getting thicker and the summer ice in Artic is decreasing, thereby maintaining the balance of nature keeping the global sea levels constant.
“Global Warming” was a convenient and real misnomer.  Plus, the earth has been cooling for the past thirty years, not warming.  Now the uninformed environmentalists have changed their mantra to “Climate Change”, but should be referred to as “Weather Cycles”.  The temperature of the earth’s atmosphere is continuously changing. It is never stagnating, and is a naturally occurring weather phenomenon.  That is why most intelligent people referred to the everchanging climate as weather cycles.  Simple thermodynamics of the Sun’s energy output, the earth’s distance from the sun, and the earth’s direct or indirect exposure to the Sun’s energy easily explain the temperature variances on the surface of our planet.  There are cycles within cycles within cycles.  Each longer cycle includes all the shorter cycles within it. The shorter weather cycles are nested within all of the longer cycles.  All major temperature variances are caused by the following physical cycles, each cycle containing all of the previous cycles

Enough for one week. Next week I plan to go into more detail about these various “weather cycles.”


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