Geography ?

I have always been interested in geography. Actually, probably not always, but at least since fourth grade. In fourth grade I had Ms. Conroy, who looked to be about eighty. Most likely she was not eighty because she was still teaching, but to a nine year old she looked very very old. In addition to looking ancient, her vision was not very good, and she never, ever got out of her desk chair. 

So what does this have to do with liking geography? In the beginning it was my fourth grade geography book that I liked a lot. It was a big rectangular book … tall enough that Ms. Conroy could not see the student  sitting behind the propped-up book at his desk. This unique combination allowed for uber chicanery in that classroom during Geography, as the boys, including yours truly, could leave their desks and crawl around on the floor to anywhere in that classroom. … Fourth grade Geography was so much fun!

Back to the real world geography. How many of you can tell me where Uganda is? Yes, it’s in Africa. But where? What about the capital of Uganda? 

FYI: Uganda is a landlocked country in eastern central Africa bordered by Kenya and South Sudan, and is on the north end of Lake Victoria. The capital is Kampala. After reading that you probably know more about Kenya than President Biden, who just spurted:

“This shameful act is the latest development in an alarming trend of human rights abuses and corruption in Uganda.”

Why this sudden interest in Uganda?

From Coffee and Covid:

On Monday, 5/29/23, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed some new laws including the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality,” which was defined as same-sex rape of a child. Biden somehow immediately issued a statement condemning Uganda’s new law and pledging strong sanctions against the small African country.

“And we are considering additional steps, including the application of sanctions and restriction of entry into the United States against anyone involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption,” said Biden, obviously meaning Ugandans. He also mentioned in his statement: canceling AIDS Relief money, deleting other foreign aid to Uganda, nixing Uganda’s eligibility for international programs promoting economic growth in Africa, and suspending travel visas for some or all Ugandans.”

Wow, this really has JB steamed!

One might ask where is the similar indignation when it comes to the other infamous ‘U’ … the Uyghurs in China.  As most are aware the  Chinese government has committed a series of ongoing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang that is often characterized as genocide. With reference to the Uyghurs, I have not heard him say: “This shameful act is the latest development in an alarming trend of human rights abuses and corruption …”

Whereas Uganda gets a ‘boom,” from J.B, China and the Uyghurs get the silent treatment. Does that have anything to do with geography?  No, more likely is it that the Uyghurs do not vote?!


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