“Free Speech for Thee, Not for Me!”

Ilya Shapiro became a target of progressives in January because of a series of Twitter posts in which he criticized President Joe Biden’s use of identity politics to only consider black women in his choice of a replacement for retiring Justice Stephen Breyer on the U.S. Supreme Court. Georgetown’s Black Law Students Association called for his firing. Georgetown Law Dean William Treanor placed him on leave, pending the outcome of an investigation by the office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action (IDEAA).

At this point one might ask, “What the hell is the IDEAA?”  

I have an i-d-e-a that it is a made-up, woke way to railroad anybody who says anything that “offends” anyone.

Georgetown Law had suspended Ilya Shapiro for months for questioning race and gender criteria used by the Biden administration in its selection of Supreme Court justices. What makes this story even more unbelievable is that Ilya Shapiro was not a Georgetown employee back in January!

The IDEAA investigation found that Shapiro’s comments were “harmful” and caused “pain” in the campus community, but agreed that technically Shapiro shouldn’t be punished, since he wasn’t yet a Georgetown employee when he wrote those comments. At this point one has to wonder about the decision making process of Law Dean William Treanor.

Notice that Georgetown Law is seemingly a law school that is amazingly against free speech. It sounds like the IDEAA is saying that free speech is okay as long as what is said is something they agree with, and more importantly does not “offend” anyone. OMG, Georgetown Law is teaching its students this paradoxical nonsense.

At this point, it’s bad enough … but it gets worse.

From Epoch Times:

Shapiro also pointed to progressive faculty members whose comments caused outrage but went unpunished. For example, political science professor Carol Christine Fair in 2018 said white men who don’t immediately believe sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh “deserve miserable deaths,” with their corpses castrated and fed to pigs.

“When Prof. Fair advocated murder and castration based on race and gender, Georgetown did not initiate an investigation, but instead invoked Georgetown’s free expression policy,” Shapiro wrote. “Apparently it’s free speech for thee, not for me.”

Hmmm! I guess the Georgetown snowflakes were not offended by a progressive professor wishing for miserable deaths and castration for white men. Apparently at Georgetown it’s free speech for progressives, but not for anyone else.

BTW, for what it’s worth, I agree completely with what Ilya Shapiro said.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson will forever be known as the black female Justice, and not for her judicial wherewithal.

Note to IDEAA, … Even though I do not work for Georgetown, “Bring it on!”



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