Folly? … Bee a Man!

Satire is defined as “the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.” 

As most of you are aware the Babylon Bee is a satirical web site. To most it is clear that the Babylon Bee is always satirical. For instance, if the title of a Babylon Bee article read “Biden sells Alaska back to Russia,” mostly everyone would realize that the title and the contents were mere folly.

Furthermore, if the Bee wrote an article proclaiming Rachel Levine, the U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as one of its “Women of the Year,” everyone would understand the satire involved, because “Rachel” Levine was actually born Richard Levine. 

When we are talking about satire is it like “two negatives make a positive” … in other words if one satirises something that is already satire, is the end result satire or non-satire?

Confused? Well Twitter is not confused!

Recently the Babylon Bee proclaimed that Rachel Levine was the Bee’s Man Of The Year. Was this satire on USA Today’s proclaiming that

“Rachel Levine is one of USA Today’s Women of the Year, a recognition of women across the country who have made a significant impact?”

To rightfully answer that question it would seem to me that declaring Rachel “Man of the year” is a clear example of the Bee mocking USA Today.

So what is it? Well Twitter declared that the Bee’s article was “hateful” even though Rachel was indeed born male. If Joe Biden decided that he would prefer to be called Josephine, because of his insightful knack of diplomacy, well okay, Joe, call yourself what you want. If Joe transitioned into Josephine, a “Rachel” paraphrase from the Bee could apply here … “He often wears a dress, which some people think is weird—but he doesn’t care one bit. Come on! Men in India wear dress-type garments, don’t they?”

Even though Josephine might fit well, it doesn’t change what you are, Joe. Nonetheless, be careful, Mr/Ms Biden because Twitter could well label you as hateful, irrespective of what the truth actually is!


135 Replies to “Folly? … Bee a Man!”

  1. Большой и знаменитый писатель Лев Николаевич Толстой цитировал: ” Люди, которые признают войну не только неизбежной, но и полезной и потому желательной, — эти люди страшны, ужасны своей нравственной извращенностью.” А Вы согласны с названным прославленным писателем ?

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