Flávio A. Cadegiani, MD, MSc, PhD.

Doctor Cadegiani is a board-certified endocrinologist with a master’s degree and doctorate degree in clinical endocrinology.

On 8/31/22 he published a peer-reviewed study by the online medical journal Cureus. The study was conducted on a strictly controlled population of 88,012 people from the city of Itajaí in Brazil.

At this point you might be wondering why I would choose a highly credentialed physician for my Sunday piece. The answer is twofold. First, the study was about the effectiveness of one of my favorite topics  … the use of Ivermectin in Covid. And second because Dr. Cadegiani has some spunk. To the critics of his study who are sure to be Ivermectin doubters, Cadegiani wrote on Twitter, “An observational study with the size and level of analysis as ours is hardly achieved and infeasible to be conducted as a randomised clinical trial. Conclusions are hard to be refuted. Data is data, regardless of your beliefs.”

It comes as no surprise to me that Cadegiani’s study demonstrated the benefit of Ivermectin in multiple categories of Covid patients.

A summary of the study from BlazeMedia:

“Individuals who used ivermectin as prophylaxis or took the medication before being infected by COVID experienced significant reductions in death and hospitalization.

According to the study, those who took ivermectin regularly had a 92% reduction in their COVID death risk compared to non-users and 84% less than irregular users.

‘The hospitalization rate was reduced by 100% in regular users compared to both irregular users and non-users,’ the study stated.

The impressive reduction for regular ivermectin users was evident despite the regular users being at a higher risk for COVID deaths. The regular users were older and had a higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes and hypertension than irregular and non-users.”

“A summation of the study read, ‘This dose-response efficacy reinforces the prophylactic effects of ivermectin against COVID-19.’”

For those of you who have little medical knowledge or little interest in Ivermectin, please note the following for the drug that the all-knowing Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and the FDA all but banned in the U.S. to treat Covid:

-88,012 individuals in the study

-hospitalization reduced by 100% in regular users

-92% reduction in their COVID death risk compared to non-users

    and 84% less than irregular users.

-Non-use of ivermectin was associated with a 12.5-fold increase in   

    mortality rate and a seven-fold increased risk of dying from COVID-19 

    compared to the regular use of ivermectin,’ 

Think what you will, but in my book this guy is to be admired and looked up to, as his study is uber impressive. You can be assured that this study will be ignored by ‘those who know best’ here in the U.S. 



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