Finally !

Throughout this entire Covid ordeal, many groups have been unnecessarily stepped on and crushed. The first group that comes to mind is El-Hi students, many of whom have not, at this point, and perhaps will not ever recover from what has been done to them. Here I am referring not only to the lost years of schooling, but also to the widespread psychological damage that has been inflicted upon them.

The second group that has suffered significant damage is college students. Like the El-Hi students, the college-aged students have been quarantined, forced to take their classes online, been robbed of any meaningful college experience, and been forced to pay for an obvious suboptimal college education. The biggest difference between these El-Hi students and the college students is that for the most part college students can be considered as adults, and yet the difference between college students and flocks of sheep has been undetectable. The college students have merely followed meekly along, and continue to get dumped 

on even though the mortality in their age group is minuscule.

The local universities in San Diego have kowtowed willy-nilly to whatever outrageous demands are thrust upon them  … sheep! In fact California university students are like lovable dogs who just want their belly scratched, as they just automatically lie down and roll over. Are there any students anywhere in the U.S. who have any cajones?

Finally, much to the surprise of just about everyone, courage has finally arisen in an unlikely place … at the University of Chicago!

The editorial board of Chicago Thinker student newspaper at the University of Chicago has thrown down the gauntlet with a lengthy, well argued attack on the school’s booster mandate.

The University of Chicago!! … OMG!!

The editorial is very well written and much too long to copy and paste here. However I would encourage everyone to read it. It was written on 1/16/22, and is titled:

Editorial: UChicago Must End Its Booster Mandate—We Are Not Lab Rats.

Even though I am originally from Chicago and lived there for twenty-nine years, I never visited UChicago as it was way at the other end of the city. However after reading this Chicago Thinker editorial, I may have to finally expand my horizons, the next time I visit the Windy City.


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