Europe Is Ahead

I never thought that I would ever come to point that I would think that Europe is doing things better than the US. To be more precise . . . better than individual states, and certainly better than California. But sad to say, this is exactly what is happening. 

For instance. . . . sending kids back to school. Multiple individual European countries are light years ahead of multiple different states when it comes to children and their going back to school. Everyone who has looked at this realizes that the disservice being done to children far outweighs any good that is coming from online distance learning. Many countries in Europe are eons ahead of most states in the US, including the chaos that is otherwise known as California.

However, today I read in the NYT something interesting spoken by France’s Emmanuel Macron. His message about the coronavirus is “to learn how to live with the virus.” France as well as a lot of other European countries are choosing coexistence with this virus. They are going back to work and school, trying to live their lives close to what they used to, albeit with masks and social distancing. Yes, the number of cases are going up, due in large part by the dramatic increase in testing. However despite this increase, the death rate is not going up and is nowhere near what it had been earlier this year.

Again from the NYT:

“It is not possible to stop the virus,” said Emmanuel André, a leading virologist in Belgium. “It’s about maintaining equilibrium.”

The health minister of Italy concurs, “We are in a living-with-the-virus-phase.”

Perhaps the governor of California should get some people on his staff that speak French, or Italian, rather than just Democratese, so that he can be advised better as to what to do now, before he gets recalled.

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