Entrapment ! … Entrapment ?

From Dinesh D’Souza: 

“In a stunning defeat for the Biden Justice Department, a jury has acquitted two men accused of conspiring to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer in the fall of 2020. The jury also deadlocked on a verdict for two other defendants, which meant a hung jury, a mistrial. So another way to put it is the DOJ, in one of the most high-profile terrorism cases in which they put enormous resources, they could not convict a single defendant.

“Essentially, the defense mounted a case of entrapment. They said that the FBI, in a sense, made us do this — they came up with the idea, they moved the plot forward, it was their plot, not ours, they made us into terrorists that we wouldn’t otherwise have been.

“Think about the stunning implications of this. And yet, the jury agreed. The jury found entrapment. The jury basically let these guys walk. The jury did not believe the FBI and they did not believe the Biden DOJ in a case that, quite honestly, was being portrayed just a few months ago as kind of a slam dunk, a kind of a sure thing.”

We’re the yo-yos who were entrapped naive and gullible?  Undoubtedly, yes.

Now to be honest and truthful this entire plot took place before Joe Biden was “elected.” However, to me, this fact makes the entire episode even more terrifying, because it indicates mendacity and malfeasance of the FBI prior to the November election. Recognize that I am not suggesting that everyone in the FBI is crooked, but this scenario indicates that wrongdoing in violation of the public trust is okay with some in the FBI. Think about the implications of this! If one told the same story without mentioning Gov. Whitmer, Michigan, or the FBI, I would immediately think that it had occurred in Venezuela or Iran where a deep state is actually in control.

Now let’s switch gears. Similar to the aforementioned Whitmer story in Michigan, many of those who participated in the events of January 6, 2021 were angry yahoos who felt that they had been wronged. Right from the git-go, let me be perfectly clear … I did not approve of the plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan, and I did not approve of the storming of the Capitol in January, 2021. However, the question must be asked: “We’re the yo-yos who stormed the Capitol provoked, encouraged, or led on? In other words were they entrapped. Was there a group of “good guys” embedded in the crowd and more importantly did these “good guys” act as provocateurs?


Before you scoff … Since the first arrests of Jan. 6 defendants in early 2021, there has been extensive speculation and questions from attorneys, defendants, case observers, and members of Congress about the role law enforcement played that day.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Jan. 11, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) grilled top FBI officials on the subject.

“How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of Jan. 6?” Cruz asked Jill Sanborn, executive assistant director of the FBI’s national security branch.

“Sir, I’m sure you can appreciate that I can’t go into the specifics of sources and methods,” Sanborn said.

Double Hmmm!

Then Cruz replied, “Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of Jan. 6, yes or no?”

“Sir, I can’t answer that,” Sanborn said.

Triple Hmmm!

“Did any FBI agents or confidential informants commit crimes of violence on Jan. 6?” Cruz asked.

“I can’t answer that, sir,” Sanborn replied.

Quadruple Hmmm!

To me, refusing to answer a question because of XYZ always generates suspicion. Recall that in the alleged Whitmer kidnapping the Biden DOJ didn’t want its own agents to testify, were constantly trying to exclude evidence communications among FBI agents, one to the other, communications between the FBI and the defendants — they wanted to keep all of this out of the trial. In other words, they wanted to keep their orchestration out so the jury didn’t hear about any of it.

Should the refusal to answer Sen. Cruz’s questions to the FBI rep concerning infiltration and thus potential entrapment be concerning? If the refusal had occurred in Venezuela or Iran, the answer would be “undoubtedly, yes.”

But it occurred in the USA.! 

Quintuple Hmmm!


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