Elizabeth Bonker

As per my usual Sunday protocol today’s piece is about someone we can all look up to and admire. Ms. Bonker was chosen to be the class valedictorian at Rollins College in Florida. Obviously anyone who is chosen as valedictorian is special, and typically someone that we can admire and look up to. However, Elizabeth Bonker is in a category that is a quantum above special. A combination of determination, and stick-to-it-ive-ness only just begin to describe Elizabeth Bonker.

From Epoch News,Bright:

“Elizabeth Bonker lost her ability to speak at 15 months of age, and is profoundly affected by autism. For her commencement address that was delivered to her graduating class of 529 students on May 8, she used text-to-speech computer software, typing independently with one finger as a communication partner held a keyboard.

While Elizabeth’s neuromotor issues prevent her from tying her shoes or buttoning a shirt without help, technology has allowed her to share her message.”

(So far, pretty inspirational … but it gets better!)

Still from the Epoch Times, Bright:

“I am one of the lucky few nonspeaking autistics who have been taught to type,” Elizabeth, who earned a degree in social innovation, told the gathered crowd. “That one critical intervention unlocked my mind from its silent cage, enabling me to communicate and to be educated, like my hero Helen Keller.”

“God gave you a voice. Use it,” she urged the crowd, quipping, “and no, the irony of a nonspeaking autistic encouraging you to use your voice is not lost on me.”

In her speech, Elizabeth recalled how, during her freshman year, she heard a story about the famous Rollins alum “Mister” Fred Rogers, and a handwritten note found in his wallet after he died, which read, “Life is for Service.” She called upon her classmates to write the same message on a corner of their commencement program, take a photo and post it on social media, or tear it off and keep it in a safe place.

“When we see each other at our reunions, we can talk about how our commencement notes reminded us to serve others,” she implored.

(Wow, very INSPIRATIONAL! … but to her, graduating college is just the beginning.)

After graduating, Elizabeth plans to use her experience to help the world’s 31 million nonspeakers with autism locked in their own “silent cage.” To help her with her mission, she has already set up her own nonprofit, Communication 4 ALL, through which she plans to promote access to communication tools for everyone.

Elizabeth Bonker = Admirable plus! Her future plan truly exemplifies “Life is for Service.”



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