Downhill Fast !

Most Americans with a modicum of intelligence realize that the presidency of Joe Biden has been … I’m trying to think of descriptive PG-rated term … okay, let’s go with a ‘disaster,’ and a disaster on just about all counts. Starting on the first day of his presidency with the shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline and the resultant spike in gas prices, just about everything that he gets involved with, turns to sh**. The border is a mess. His pullout from Afghanistan was incredibly inept, and it certified him as an inexperienced rookie as far as foreign policy was concerned.

Now he is engaged in a mano-a-mano exchange with Russia’s Putin over Ukraine. Who do you think is the favorite in this matchup? … Duh! 

Now to me this whole situation is scary, but not in a way that most are thinking. Follow me with this:

Biden’s favorability numbers are horrible and going downhill fast. The midterms are rapidly approaching, and the Democrats are in need of a life-preserver of some sort to distract the country away from Biden’s record. In the past what has been the best way to unite the country behind a President?  … and that’s what scares me! … as desperate people can oftentimes do really stupid things when they feel themselves going downhill fast.


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