
Speaking to reporters at the White House 7/8/21, Press Secretary Jen Psaki argued criticisms of the Biden administration’s door-to-door Wuhan coronavirus vaccination campaign are a “disservice to the country.”

Wow! “A disservice to the country” … Really! Not getting the vaccine is analogous to being a traitor.

Before the briefing, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra argued it is “absolutely” the government’s business to know if an individual has been vaccinated. 

Wow! … “absolutely!” I maintain that it is absolutely none of the government’s business to know if I am vaccinated. Similarly, it is none of the government business to know if I received the latest flu shot, just as it is none of the government’s business to know my blood type.

Dr. Anthony Fauci vented his frustration with unvaccinated Americans on 7/7/21 during a segment with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, in which he called on those who have not been vaccinated to “get over this political statement.”

Wow! “not getting the vaccine is now a political statement.”

Meanwhile President Biden wants to start going door-to-door, inquiring about vaccination status. I can’t wait for them to come to my door. My answer is “it’s none of your business.” (FYI: I am old and so I am vaccinated.)

A person in lunch group wanted to know if it was okay to invite an unvaccinated person to our next luncheon. My answer was an unequivocal, “yes.”

My position on this issue is pretty clear … each individual should be able to do what he/she wants. My choice was to get the vaccine. However I respect those who choose not to be vaccinated, and it doesn’t matter what their reasoning is.

A Twitter user chimed in with a practical solution:

“How about this….those who are worried about the virus and want to get to the vaccine, get the vaccine. Those who aren’t worried, and will accept the risk, don’t get the vaccine. There. Issue solved.”


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