Dem Disconnected Dems !

I am still seeing young children wearing masks … in church, in Costco, and even in cars. Whereas nearly all of  these young masked children are riding with their parents, one must wonder if these young children are also forced to wear a face-mask at home. Be that as it may, most likely who are the parents of these young children? 

A recent poll from Issues&Insights suggests that these parents are college graduates that identify as Democrats and make  more than $75,000 per year. (Another hint might be that they drive a Prius with a crooked bumper sticker advocating that we all must get along.”) The group least likely to be punishing their young children by forcing them to wear masks are Republican or Independent high school graduates making less than $30,000 a year.

Why are these liberal Democrat parents still forcing their children to wear a mask? The easiest answer is that they have been misled by the Main Stream Media.

From I&I:

In the last three years 3.3 million children under 5 have contracted COVID, and 643 have died. That translates into a death rate of 0.02%.

Those numbers might not matter, since the loss of any child is a tragedy. But the fact is that life is full of risks, and almost anything you can think of poses a greater risk to children than COVID.

Over the same three years, for example, more than 6,000 children in this age group died from preventable injuries — poisoning, falls, choking, drowning, fires, or suffocation. Parental negligence, it turns out, is 10 times deadlier than COVID.

Drowning alone claimed 2,700 children, making water almost five times deadlier than COVID.

Other health problems that most parents would never think about are deadlier than COVID. Nearly three times as many children died of cancer over the past three years. More than twice as many died of cardiovascular disease. Pneumonia and the flu claim twice as many young lives each year. More children die each year from homicides than perished from COVID.

Masks, in other words, target a risk that is minuscule compared with other risks that parents would view as exceedingly rare.

Downsides to masking young children?

Here’s what NPR reported earlier this year:

Numerous scientific papers have established that it can be harder to hear and understand speech and identify facial expressions and emotions when people are wearing masks. These are critical developmental tasks, particularly for children in the first three years of life.

The United States is an outlier in recommending masks from the age of 2 years old. The World Health Organization does not recommend masks for children under age 5, while the European equivalent of the CDC doesn’t recommend them for children under age 12.

That was NPR, for Pete’s sake! It goes on to quote Manfred Spitzer, a psychiatrist and a cognitive neuroscientist in Germany, who said:

“When speech no longer happens, when communication is interfered with, I think if that happens for a week, that’s OK. But if that happens for half a year, that’s eternity when it comes to brain development, at a very young age.”

Now I would think that a lot of dem Democrat parents who are forcing their young children to wear masks also listen to NPR. Why the disconnect?


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