Delaware Hide and Seek

For a long time I have refrained from referring to Joe Biden as pusillanimous. Make no mistake, I have thought about it before, but have used discipline, and held my tongue. But, come on, here we are at the edge of war, and where is J.B.? … At the White House? Err, no. He is playing hide and seek in Delaware!

On Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian military command to put Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert. J.B’s response?  Fox News reported that Biden remains at his private residence in Delaware and that the media is having difficulty making contact with the administration. Despite the Russian invasion of Ukraine continuing to escalate, President Joe Biden remains at his private estate in Delaware.

One must ask, “Why is this? Why is he hiding in Delaware?

The response from those who apparently speak for J.B. will most likely have something to do with Biden’s upcoming State of the Union (SOTU). A very handy excuse as the present Vegas line on the number of Biden gaffs during his SOTU speech is presently 2.5! 

That speech will certainly be a challenge as the state of the union is a mess, and I doubt that anything he says will put lipstick on a pig.

From BlazeMedia:

“Inflation is running at a 40-year high, with the prices of everything from energy to food to housing making the cost of American living much higher. Broken supply chains aren’t helping inflation or the ability to get goods and services, and we have substantial dislocation in the labor market. And if that wasn’t enough, many jurisdictions are just starting to dial back onerous COVID-related policies that have trampled on individual rights, with a backdrop of a treacherous geopolitical landscape.”

What you can be pretty certain that certain things will not be in his State of the Union speech … Biden’s suspending of oil and gas leases and withdrawing the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, and the subsequent rising of gas prices. Furthermore, it will probably not be mentioned that there has been more COVID deaths recorded under Biden than prior to him taking office.

But back to why is he in hiding?.

Perhaps, his handlers realize that if Joe Biden came out of his hiding place in Delaware, he could be forced to start answering some questions, which could well bring his pusillanimous-ness out into the open.


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