
Remember back in early 2015 when Donald Trump decided to put his name into the Republican list of candidates for President of the Unitied States . . . a good decision. Then in mid and late 2015 the initial Republican debates had a myriad of potential presidential candidates. No way at this point can I remember the names of all these potential candidates. As the months went by many of these potentials dropped out mainly because they realized that they had no chance . . . all good decisions. On the debate stages Donald Trump was in the center in the beginning and he remained in the center throughout. There was a reason for this. . . he was making good decisions.

As the field narrowed in the early part of 2016, the remainder of the potential candidates basically took one of two basic avenues of approach – one was to choose to go head-to-head with Mr. Trump and the other was to avoid direct confrontation with him. Those that avoided a direct confrontation were obviously not the final Republican nominee, but their reputations remained intact (Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, and Mike Huckabee).. . . all good decisions.

Jeb Bush decided to go one-on-one with Mr. Trump . . . a bad decision! It was no contest. He was humiliated and shot down. My guess is that we will not hear from him in the future.
Ted Cruz learned a lesson when some of his supporters went after Mr. Trump’s wife. Mr. Cruz did not immediately and vociferously show distain for this lowball tactic . . . a bad decision. Mr. Trump counterattacked, and it was not pretty.

Recently the NFL and their liberal genuflectees made a decision to go head-to-head with Mr. Trump . . . a bad decision. Roger Goodell, the NFL Commissioner is now having second thoughts as the league’s TV ratings are tanking and the attendance at the live games is decreasing. Goodell and the NFL now have a second chance. Hopefully they will make a good decision!
On 10/16/17 President Trump and Mitch McConnell had lunch at the White House.. I think that it is reasonable to say that these two have not had a cordial relationship prior to this lunch date. Mr. McConnell had a decision to make.. Accept the invitation or not. He accepted . . . good decision.

What went on at lunch? Oh! to be the proverbial fly on the wall. Whatever transpired, the result was that both men emerged smiling and for all intents and purposes, on the same page, as together they then held a news conference. From my perspective Mr. McConnell had some crucial decisions to make at lunch. He made these decisions . . . seemingly good decisions.
In retrospect, perhaps Jeb Bush and the NFL should have sought Mr. McConnell’s counsel before going head-to-head with The Donald.

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