Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,

Well The Jamboree is almost over, and even though I am tired, I wish that it could last for another few weeks. I do miss you and Mad-Dog, and okay I guess I miss my sisters maybe a little, but being here with Dad, Mr. Rauch, and my Boy Scout friends has been an awesome experience. The food has been crazy good, even tho the cookies are not as good as yours lol. It’s the activities that have been really great. I really liked the white water rafting and the rock climbing, but the Zip-line was savage. Unfortunately, each scout could only do it once, but I am already planning on doing it again the next time I come in a few years.

Tonight I’m in my tent, and writing this letter by flashlight. None of us, including Charlie & Dec, are able to sleep even though it is well past lights out, cuz of what happened this afternoon. The President was here. The President spoke to a huge crowd of us scouts this afternoon. I got to see Donald Trump in person, it was lit. He gave a great speech, and we were standing for the entire thirty-five minutes. The applause almost constant and the chanting (“USA, USA” and “We love Trump”) was hecka loud. He talked about how many of his cabinet members were ex-scouts, including Vice President Pence. He emphasized doing what you love to do, finding your passion, and not giving up. Yes, I know that you and Dad have said the same thing to me, but coming from The President – well that was dope! He also talked about momentum and told a story about some guy that I didn’t know who had lost his momentum and consequently did not do well at the end. He emphasized over and over how the Boy Scouts were the future of this country as we believe in putting America first. He said, “Just like you know you can count on me, we know that we can count on you”. He also said a lot of other stuff, but I was too wired to remember much else.

After the speech I was shaking with excitement for a long time. In fact, I was so fired up that I had a hard time eating supper tonight. At supper our Scout master predicted that the papers and the TV coverage would find fault with the speech, as they always seem to do with anything Trump these days. It will be interesting to see if he is right. Even Dad, never a Trump supporter, said that he loved the speech, and that it was better than both the Bush junior and the Clinton speeches that he had heard at past Jamborees. He also said – are you ready for this – that he would probably vote for Mr. Trump on the next go round! #Trump2020.

I am finally starting to get a bit tired, and so I will stop now. I can’t wait to tell you, Grammie, and Auntie Jill & Uncle Johnny more about the speech on Saturday when Dad & I get home.


Your son,


P.S. We have a bunch of pictures to show you guys.


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