
Despite what many of you think, this acronym should stand for “Democrats Against the Constitution Again.”

Of course, D.A.C.A. stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It was put in place by Barack Obama in June 2012 while he was president. At that time his action was against the Constitution in that he pronounced D.A.C.A. by executive decree, and the president (no matter who he is) does not have this authority under the Constitution. The Congress, and only the Congress, has the constitutional authority to make laws.

So not only did B.O. start this whole mess, but on the same day as President Trump cancelled B.O.’s  D.A.C.A. decree, this former president, a supposed “constitutional lawyer,” had the audacity to criticize our current president for following the Constitution by canceling his 2012 unconstitutional decree!

To put things in even more perspective, B.O. came forth with his D.A.C.A. decree in order to fire up his base before the 2012 election, even though he had said in the past the he, as president did not have the authority to make laws. I do not remember the main-stream media (MSM) commenting on this oxymoron. Furthermore, recall that after the 2008 election the Democrats had control of the U.S. the Senate, and the House of Representatives, and yet did not address the immigration issue at that time. They could have, but they did not pass any immigration laws in 2009 or 2010 . . . Why?

To no one’s surprise, I do not hear our former president or any other Democrats admitting that they should have solved this issue in a constitutional fashion when they had the chance.

Next let’s address what President Trump did on Tuesday September 5. He basically kept a campaign promise when he canceled another of Obama’s unconstitutional decrees. He rightfully said that only the Congress can make laws, and was quite generous in giving Congress six months to put on their big-boy/girl pants and do their job. Not only did he keep another campaign promise, but he put the onus where it belongs . . . on Congress.


Although a rational person might think that it would be difficult to come down on someone for keeping his word, the Democrats, the Dreamers themselves, and the MSM are treating the president as if he was the one who was shirking his responsibility. The Democrats are not blaming themselves for years of doing nothing. The Dreamers are not blaming their parents who broke the law by bringing these young children unlawfully into this country. Of course, the MSM are not commenting on their lack of truthfulness when opining on this issue.

What will Congress come up with over the next six months? I guess it depends on how many can actually make the transition from diapers to big-boy/girl pants!




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