Crack, Crack, Crack!

Months ago there was Bill Maher who has had some change in his overtly liberal thinking. Was this the initial sign that the liberal Main Stream Media’s dam had a crack in it? Now, let’s be clear, I do not watch his HBO show, and likewise I do not watch CNN nor was I familiar with Trevor Noah or the Daily Show. However, like Bill Maher, CNN’s Fareed Zaharia and Trevor Noah both spoke out.

First from BlazeMedia, CNN host Fareed Zakaria on 3/13/22 observed that under the leadership of President Joe Biden, the era of global American dominance is over. According to Zakaria, Russia’s war in Ukraine marks a new era of world history and in particular highlights evidence of America’s diminishing influence on the global stage.

To prove his thesis, Zakaria cited the the Wall StreetJournal report about Saudi Arabia and UAE refusing to take Biden’s calls, and Biden’s failure to lead a coalition of world powers against Russia.”

Another apparent crack in the liberal dam?

(FYI: Fared Zaharia’s CNN monologue from 3/13/22 is well worth watching on YouTube.)

Still from BlazeMedia:

“Comedian Trevor Noah, host of ‘The Daily Show,’ made a similar argument last week. In fact, Noah said Saudi Arabia and the UAE would not have snubbed Donald Trump as they allegedly did Biden.

‘That must have been really embarrassing for Biden. Can you imagine? He phones them and they don’t pick up?’ Noah said.

“Now, according to the White House, this story is totally untrue. They deny it, which I would, too. But either way, man, there is no denying that Saudi Arabia isn’t playing ball with Joe Biden,” Noah added. “And you know what? You can say what you want, but this would have never happened to Donald Trump. Never.”

Does that sound like another crack? 

Crack crack, crack !


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