Covid Tidbits

These are Covid tidbits that you will not read in your “newspaper:”

  • In some places they are using specially trained dogs to detect Covid. These dogs have a 94% accuracy in both symptomatic and asymptomatic Covid positive individuals. They are being used in airports in Helsinki, Finland and Santiago, Chile and also in Dubai. In the US these dogs have been used at Miami Heat basketball games.
  • The Czech Republic and Slovakia have just approved using Ivermectin by prescription as treatment in hospitalized Covid patients who are over eighteen years old. Ivermectin (Huvemec) comes in 3mg size tablets. The dose is 0.2 mg/kg/day on days 1, 3, and 5, with a maximum daily dose of 24 mg. They have not seen any safety issues with this regime. It is not to be used in pregnancy. This Ivermectin approval is for six months.

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