Could It Be ?

For a year plus the country that I used to know has been held in abeyance while “emergency” diktats by egotistical politicians have controlled our lives. (FYI: a diktat is a harsh, punitive settlement or decree imposed unilaterally on a defeated nation, political party, etc.) Please note in this definition the words, “harsh,” “punitive,” “imposed unilaterally,” and “ on a defeated nation.” Can anybody disagree with any of these descriptive terms in the “diktat” definition?

Will a time soon come when the collective sheep of our nation say “enough?”

Due to the fact that our beloved country is a non-anarchy, any putting on of the “we’ve had enough” brakes has to occur via the legal system.

Could it be that this has started to occur? 

In California the state must pay the huge legal expenses of those churches that defied our local dictator’s (err … rather our local governor’s) commands on the closing of churches while leaving retail stores open.

In Atlanta the parents of a murdered black 8-year-old girl who was shot and killed by spray gunfire during Black Lives Matter protests have filed a lawsuit against the city, its mayor, and other officials. To me it’s about time that someone stood up to point fingers at those who were derelict at protecting lives and property during the BLM riots last summer.

And there’s more. Perhaps a light at the end of the tunnel ? Could it be ? 

From Blaze News:

In Kentucky, on 6/9/21, in Boone County, Kentucky, Circuit Judge Richard A. Brueggemann issued a permanent injunction against all of Gov. Andy Beshear’s COVID restrictions, including the mask mandate. Unlike the few judicial victories for civil liberties over the past year, this one was broad and sweeping, as it declared these mandates unconstitutional.

The defendants presented evidence from senior certified industrial hygienist Stephen Petty, one of the top experts in the country on exposure to hazardous materials, who served as an expert witness in approximately 400 cases relating to toxic or infectious exposure. Petty first made his national foray into the COVID mask debate months ago.

‘He testified that both the six-foot-distancing rule, and mask mandates, are wholly ineffective at reducing the spread of this virus,’ wrote Judge Brueggemann in summing up Petty’s testimony. ‘Masks are worthless, he explained, because they are not capable of filtering anything as small as Covid-19 aerosols. In addition, masks are not respirators and lack the limited protections that respirators can provide.’

‘The Court finds the opinions expressed by Mr. Petty firmly established in logic,’ concluded the judge. ‘The inescapable conclusion from his testimony is that ordering masks to stop Covid-19 is like putting up chain-link fencing to keep out mosquitos. The six-foot-distancing requirements fare no better.’

Moreover, the judge ruled that all of the data from neighboring states with fewer restrictions demonstrate that none of these restrictions have made a difference in the natural progression of the virus, and therefore, ‘the data comparison demonstrate there to be no emergency justification for continuing Governor Beshear’s orders.’

The judge closed with these blistering comments:

“What the people have endured over the past fifteen months—to borrow a phrase from United States District Judge Justin R. Walker —”is something this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel,” concluded Judge Brueggemann. “Yet, Defendants contend that the Governor’s rule by mere emergency decree must continue indefinitely, and independent of legislative limits. In effect, Defendants seek declaratory judgment that the Constitution provides this broad power so long as he utters the word, “emergency.” It does not. For this Court to accept Defendant’s position would not be honoring its oath to support the Constitution; it would be tantamount to a coup d ‘état against it.”

Wow! Could it be that common sense and the Constitution are starting to prevail?

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