Controlled Studies ?

Let’s say that for the sake of discussion there is a new potentially deadly disease. A disease that we have not seen before. A disease for which there is no known treatment. If you were a physician, what would you do? … nothing or something? If you do nothing, nothing changes, and people will continue to die. If you try something like using a drug off-label that has a proven safety profile, you may help some. In fact you may help many. To me, as long as the side-effect profile is good (safe), you obviously need to try this drug off-label. This is a no brainer! … a no-brainer apparently except to Dr. Fauci, and to those on multiple state medical boards.

Many months back when the “esteemed” Dr. Fauci was asked about using a certain combination of meds to treat the coronavirus, he responded that any treatment modality would need to be validated by controlled studies. 

(BTW his answer was a totally impractical answer! Think about it … at that point were there controlled studies on masks, lockdowns, social distancing, or a vaccine? No. No. No, and No!)

How many people died in the USA, because Dr. Fauci refused to give a reasonable practical answer? How many people died in various states because the state’s medical boards acted like sheep? … acted like vindictive sheep, no less. Threatening physicians with taking away their medical licenses if they did not kowtow to those non-elected state medical boards.

At present there are multiple legal cases in many states involving medical boards who inserted themselves into what is supposed to be a personal physician-patient relationship.

“There have been a lot of medical boards harassing physicians over ivermectin, also hydroxychloroquine. Also, some of their public statements against mask mandates and questioning the vaccine,” Andrew Schlafly, a lawyer who’s filed several lawsuits on behalf of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, told The Epoch Times.

On Feb. 11, 2022, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson released a statement saying doctors in his state have the authority to treat COVID-19 by prescribing “off-label” drugs. Off-label prescribing is a legal and widespread practice among doctors.

Despite that on Feb. 1, 2022, Dr. Yusuf Saleeby, a medical doctor in South Carolina with over 30 years of experience, received a letter from South Carolina’s medical board detailing that it’d received a complaint that he prescribed ivermectin to one of his patients. The board stated it was opening an investigation.

What Saleeby experienced is typical of many state medical boards’ behavior across the country.

“Medical boards know that if they discipline a physician based solely on ivermectin, that may cause political problems,” Schlafly said. Some state legislators are proponents of patients having access to ivermectin.

“So, what medical boards do instead is find the target physician who prescribes ivermectin, and they look for some other basis to discipline their physician,” Schlafly said.

“So, they go on a fishing expedition, and they’ll try to find some other graph to discipline that physician. And the real reason is they’re retaliating against the physician for using ivermectin.”

Chambers agrees. “If you’re turning over the complete medical history of patients, there’s probably going to be other places where you didn’t dot all your I’s and cross all your T’s. That’s the nature of human record-keeping.”

So who are the “bad guys?” The experienced practicing physicians like Dr. Saleeby, who are actually on the battle field, or Dr. Fauci and the vindictive members of state medical boards, many of whom have little or no practical experience treating patients?

I have made my choice … have you?


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