Consistency ?

On Sunday my wife suggested that we go down to Mission Bay and go for a walk. It was a nice day although a bit on the hot side, so why not go somewhere that has wonderful scenery and is about eight degrees cooler to  boot.

 I thought it was a good idea so, “Okay. Let’s go.”

As we left our street there was a handwritten neighbor sign that said, “Wear masks; save lives.” (Maybe, but I am far from convinced, even though I always have my mask ready.) While on the freeway the electric signs that notify the populace of a child abduction today read: “ Wear Face Covering To save Lives” (Again … maybe, and I had my mask in my hand, ready to go.)

I was surprised that the traffic on the freeway seemed to be back to the pre-lockdown levels . . . somewhat of a surprise as my local newspaper is constantly describing that Covid cases here are “surging!”

When we got down to Mission Bay, what was surging was the number of people down there! It was jammed! At least a thousand people along the shore near DeAnza Cove – scattered along an approximate half-mile stretch with about a hundred pop-up tents Multiple,multiple groups of from four to twenty people,all within close proximity to each other. No recognizable spatial distancing that I could identify. Black, white, brown. No BLM signs or T-shirts.

About one thousand individuals enjoying the sunshine and the water in San Diego with their friends and families, despite that our governor now says that kids cannot go to in-person school.

What about masks? . . . I actually counted . . . despite the neighborhood sign and the electric freeway sign . . . fifteen masks all told! I will repeat that . . . Fifteen!! I had my mask in hand, but did not put it on as if I did, I would have been immediately identified as an outlier.

Could it be that these “wear masks” signs do not apply on Sundays? . . .  or perhaps they do not apply to those that go down near the ocean?

Consistency ?

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