Coming Soon To a Theater Near You?

This will hopefully be the case in the U.S. as it is these days in Canada.

Canadians want to do what they can to reduce global emissions. At least, they do until it comes time to pay the bill. Then the tune quickly changes.

From the Epoch Times:

“Recent polling conducted by Leger indicates opposition to the Canadian carbon tax has grown in every region. Although Alberta has traditionally led the country in opposition to carbon taxes, Eastern Maritime provinces have now taken the lead in that category. While 57 percent of Albertans want to see the carbon tax either reduced or eliminated, a hefty 65 percent of Atlantic Canadians want to see the tax cut.”

(Think of the Eastern Maritime Providences, Nova Scotia, PEI, Labrador, and Newfoundland as being similar to New England in the U.S.)

On July 1, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador all became subject to federal carbon levies. Prices at the pump immediately rose and citizens began to realize that contrary to government claims made when the carbon tax was created, most people end up paying out more than they get back in rebates.

FromGlobal News:

“The federal government’s latest greenhouse gas emissions target is a 40 per cent reduction below 2005 levels by 2030, with an aim for net-zero emissions by 2050. Last month, draft regulations were released that the government says would achieve a net-zero electricity grid by 2035.”

“Quebec has the highest support in Canada for the carbon tax and even there, only 23 percent of citizens want to see the tax continuing to increase as planned.”

(Think of Quebec as being similar to the area in and around Washington, D.C.)

 Does the following sound reminiscent of what is happening in the U.S.?

“The federal government appears oblivious to the growing concern and discontent over the impact of its climate-change policies. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec Premier François Legault just announced plans to pump billions of tax dollars into yet another electric vehicle battery plant this week. How Canadians will be able to afford to buy EVs and how struggling power grids will be able to charge these vehicles wasn’t mentioned during the event.” (To me this is ludicrous … think EVs in Minnesota , especially in the winter. Think trying to travel across Wyoming or Montana in an EV!)

Support for the Liberal Canadian government has been in a free-fall of late and the rising cost of living has been identified as the prime cause of voter discontent. Is the government so ideologically driven that they would rather sacrifice all hope of winning the next election? Or are they just so disconnected from common Canadians that they don’t realize they are committing political suicide? Canadians want the government to step on the brakes with its climate-change policies. Paying the rent and feeding the family comes first. Is the government capable of listening, though?

The liberal politicians in the U.S. are no longer paying any attention to what the people actually are willing to put up with. Could this discontent in Canada be coming soon to theater near you ?
