College . . . Got Me What ?

I just read an article by Victor Davis Hanson titled “The Fragility of the Woke.”

What is “Woke?”

The “Urban Dictionary” defines “woke” as being aware, and “knowing what’s going on in the community.” It also mentions its specific ties to racism and social injustice. To use “woke” accurately in a sentence, one that captures its connotations and nuances, you’d need to reference someone who is thinking for themselves, who sees the ways in which racism, sexism and classism affect how we live our lives on a daily basis. Or, alternatively, someone who doesn’t. 

Every night when I watch the woke protesters shouting and yelling or trying to tear down statues, I wonder if these a lot of these “rebels” have in fact finally woke up . . . woke up to the fact that their lives will not be the same as life was for their parents. Could a lot of these college age students have humongous  loans – loans that need to be paid off, even if they did not graduate. Loans that will prevent them from leading a normal American life? Loans that will prevent them from owning a house, from getting married, from having kids.

Many of them are now being forced to wake-up to the fact that they have been swindled. They are now “woke” to the fact that they have virtually worthless degrees in fine arts, theater arts, or something similar. They are somewhat justifiably angry at this expensive, but often worthless, bill of goods that they have been sold. It’s one thing to owe $60+ grand and have teaching credentials or an engineering degree. But it is quite different to have some worthless feel-good degree and owe that same $60+ grand. However, they say that they were merely eighteen years old, and didn’t know much. Who is to blame . . . after all it is woke these days to blame someone, isn’t it? 

The answer for these unfortunate waifs is that their parents are partially to blame. After all what parent would actually go along with some of these gender-studies-tree-hugging degrees for $60K . . . only gender-confused-tree-hugging liberal parents.

However the biggest blame for this generation of woke meandering do-nothings are the colleges and their liberal professors. Surely now there will be an awaking that shelling out $60K for online classes is not woke . . . it is just plain dumb. Although it will take time, I hope that a lot of these liberal professors will discover that peddling a lot of their crap is not going to cut it anymore. Maybe they will be forced to go out and get real jobs . . . perhaps competing with their previous, though now recently woke, students!

We can only hope!

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