Class Dismissed

There was a TV show back in the 70s called Dragnet, which always started with the main character, Joe Friday, saying, “The story that you are about to hear is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.”

Well what you are about to read is true. The writer’s name has been changed. He lives in Northern California, and he sent this letter to a bunch of his neighbors.

Dear Trumptards and Republicans,

I have been struggling with sending this message because many of you are/were my dear friends. Unfortunately it has become clear that you either voted for Trump or voted Republican which indicates you are stubbornly ignorant and/or have denial for owning what and who you voted for. Your purposeful decision to vote Trump or Republican this time goes way beyond Politics. It is truly a matter of very poor morals, ethics and complete denial.

Under this Trump/ Republican Administration numerous repeals and acts have been enacted to literally assault wildlife, the environment, and so many people’s rights and healthcare.  Many of these repeals were made specifically to erase the Obama Legacy – purposely without any regard to consequences. Others were made specifically to cater to Trump’s special interests and his psychopathic base of supporters.

Regardless of which of these continued assaults on animals, environment and human rights – this absurd government behavior is what YOU voted for and YOU OWN IT !

The dignity I have left dictates I reprimand people with seemingly no morals or ethics.   Please consider yourselves out of my circle of friends until you admit that this asshole of a President and his administration’s policies and principles were a complete mistake to vote for.

It is my sincere wish that this decision you made (politically, morally and ethically) comes back to haunt you personally – so that you may feel the effects you have inflicted upon others.

Very Sincerely,

John Xxxxxxx ( Registered Non-Partisan Voter)


What makes this letter especially interesting to me is that the writer lives in California where a vote for Trump was a meaningless vote. If his now “ex-friends” had actually voted for Trump, it did not matter one iota.

The vitriol in this letter makes me wonder if John, the writer, was drinking a lot of liquid refreshment (other than the Kool-Aid) when he wrote it. On the other hand it is a signature of the left to resort to ad hominem attacks instead of addressing the issues. There is not a single specific issue addressed here, but he feels comfortable calling Trump voters, “psychopathic”, with “no morals or ethics”, and of course there is the often used wish (by the left) that some harm might come to anyone who voted republican – “It is my sincere wish that the decision that you made comes back to haunt you”.

I do feel somewhat sad for John as it seems that he must spend a lot of his time watching CNN and MSNBC, and perhaps that is where he learned that the tone and phrases in this letter are appropriate.


What, you say, no one on the left speaks or acts like this!

Let’s first mention Kathy Griffin (CNN) who thought that holding the severed bloody head of Donald Trump was funny.                                                                   Classy? . . . No! Class dismissed.

Then there is Rezan Aslan (CNN) who on one of his recent Sunday shows called President Trump “a piece of sh**), and who in the past publicly wished that Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo) would be raped.                                                             Classy? . . . No! Class dismissed.

Of course let’s not forget Joe Scarborough (MSNBC) who said that “Donald Trump looked like a goon” at a recent NATO meeting.                                        Classy? . . . No! Class dismissed.

Not to be outdone his sidekick, Mika Brzezinski (MSNBC) likened the accomplishments of Donald Trump to a child defecating “in their pants and then saying [they] meant to do that”.                                                                            Classy? . . . No! Class dismissed.

These are just a few examples of what passes for “class” on the left.

Lucky for you – if you are reading this, it means that you probably do have real class, as you certainly have better things to do with your time other than spending  it watching CNN or MSNBC!



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