Chinese EVs

Until I read an article by Anders Corr, I was not aware that China was involved in the competitive field of Electric Vehicles. On the surface, in a rational world the concept of China producing EVs seems oxymoronic, as China is one of the world’s worst polluters.

Why is China increasing its footprint in the present field of EV production? If you think that Beijing has only the good of mankind in mind, then your middle name might be either “Naivé” or Robinette. … Anders Corr’s middle name is neither. (FYI, Anders Corr has a bachelor’s/master’s in political science from Yale University (2001) and a doctorate in government from Harvard University (2008). He is a principal at Corr Analytics Inc., publisher of the Journal of Political Risk.)

Most of the following is from Anders Carr’s article in The Epoch Times titled: “China’s Electric Vehicles Could Destroy America”:

“China uses its weak environmental regulations and lousy labor policies to outcompete U.S. car manufacturers on price. 

In 2021, Japan led in passenger vehicle exports, Germany and China were neck-in-neck for second place, and the United States and South Korea trailed behind.

Since 2020 as the EV revolution hit, China is gaining fast. The output of all its competitors is either stalling or, in the case of the United States, falling.

Japanese car companies are slow off the block from hybrid vehicles to pure electric. According to Reuters on Jan. 23, ‘Lapping them are Chinese firms, which appear best-positioned to keep their pole position, both at home and internationally.’

On Jan. 24, The Wall Street Journal reported that Ford was in talks to sell one of its plants in Germany to BYD, China’s biggest EV maker. BYD outsold Tesla in 2022, and already sells electric cars and buses in Europe. Buying the Ford plant in Germany “would give BYD a stronghold for further expansion on the continent,” according to the Journal.

The tightest choke point in the EV supply chain is battery manufacturing. BYD has it covered. China manufactures 56 percent of all EV batteries, and the CCP will put China’s EV makers first in line.

An added advantage to Beijing from the world moving away from oil is that China has very little of it. The United States has a lot, so the shift is particularly painful for relative U.S. economic strength.

China’s defeat of America’s oil and vehicle industries, after so many others have already gone, will put downward pressure on good American jobs.”

Think about it … every dollar that China makes can be turned by Beijing into military aggression and human rights abuse, up to and including genocide of the Uyghurs.

The next time you consider buying an EV to save the planet from global warming, keep in mind that China is taking advantage of the present EV situation, but not for the good of mankind. A lot of the future China profits from EVs will only serve to further weaken the U.S, and in practical terms will contribute the the killing of another Ugyhur.


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