Child Tumblers and Adult Bumblers

I went with my two year old granddaughter to a “tumbling” class this morning. The teacher was nice, but the class bordered on chaos because one of the two year olds would only obey the teacher’s directions if he felt like it. However, kudos to the teacher, as she did not allow the two year old outlier to control the class. Even though the recalcitrant two year old pouted, and tried to focus all of the attention on himself, the class went on as advertised. Those who obeyed the rules, benefited from the teacher who was the adult in the room. In general the kids who behaved had a good time and the parents got what they paid for.
When I got home I picked up the newspaper and read about the recalcitrant mayors who boycotted U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, D.C. on 1/24/18. These “adults” in the newspaper article seemed exactly like the self-centered two year old at tumbling. The President was scheduled to talk about infrastructure, the opioid epidemic, and the economy at this conference – all critically important issues to the country, in general, and to the mayors and their cities in particular. These four Democratic mayors from big cities do not like the person in charge (the President), or the rules (the laws that his A.G. was enforcing), and so they tried to focus all of the attention on themselves.
These “adult” outliers pouted and did not want to participate with the scheduled agenda. They did not like the teacher and how the teacher was conducting the class, and so they decided to try to draw attention to themselves. This, despite the fact that the citizens of their cities are very concerned with infrastructure, the ongoing opioid crisis, and the economy.
They were each against following all the rules (they refuse to obey the laws of the U.S.), but instead choose to follow only the laws that they like. When on the day before, the Attorney General insisted that all of the laws of the country be followed, they pouted and subsequently tried to make themselves the center of attention. In essence the bumblers were saying, “I will obey only the rules that I like, and I will obey them only when I want.” They boycotted the conference.
Now while this may be anticipated behavior for a two year old, it is not acceptable behavior in adults. Is the behavior for these adult Democratic mayors anticipated? Perhaps, “yes!” Acceptable for adults? Certainly not.
These four were insistent on making statements to justify their immature behavior, and by doing so getting their names in the paper. I purposely have not mentioned the names of these four bumbling pouting mayors . . . with the same reason that the T.V. cameras do not show streakers onto the field in the middle of a baseball game – i.e. juvenile behavior in adults should be ignored! When I was growing up we referred to these types of recalcitrant two year old show-offs as a spoiled brats . . . and in today’s world we should still refer to these bumbling show-offs as spoiled brats.

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