Chaos !

If a small city or town has an ordinance that says XYZ, can a small portion of that town say, “No, we are not going to abide by that ordinance?” Most of us would agree that everyone who lives in that town has to follow the rules of the town, otherwise chaos would reign. Likewise if one district in a big city refused to abide by the city’s laws, again chaos would reign, and so this cannot be allowed. If one portion of a state says, “No we are not going to follow this state law,” would we agree that chaos again would be on the menu? Well welcome to California where the most recent developments include some portions of the state saying, “No, we are not going to abide by that XYZ (Sanctuary state) law.” The Orange County Board of Supervisors, Los Alamitos, a small city in Orange County, and the city of Yorba Linda, again in Orange County have come out against the sanctuary state policies passed by the Democratic State Legislature. Orange County Supervisor, Lisa Bartlett, stated, “ If they are undocumented and they commit crimes, they should be deported.” Also two counties in NorCal as well as the city of Anderson have declared their jurisdictions to be “non-sanctuary” areas of the state. Chaos!
I am going to assume that our Democratic governor will not stay quiet on this issue, and is basically going to tell these rebel jurisdictions that they cannot choose to not follow the policy of the state. However, there is a dilemma here. Can the State of California mandate that all jurisdictions in the state have to follow the state’s sanctuary policies when the state is not following the federal laws of the country of which it is a part? Can the cause of one type of chaos claim the high road when dealing with other chaos within its borders? As the mayor of Los Alamitos said, “I think that the state has overstepped its boundary. This type of issue should be dealt with by the U.S. Government and not the state.”
State tuned as “Days of (California)Our Lives” is just beginning a new chaotic season!

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