Cancel ?

Yesterday I read three totally unrelated newspaper stories that in typical times should have no relationship to each other, but in today’s world . . . yowser!

The first article involved rescinding or cancelling the emeritus status of professors if they do or have done anything that harms the reputation of San Diego State University. This is obviously a way to stifle free speech and to punish someone for something said in the undefinable past. [In other words, if a professor has said anything in either the present or in the past that “those that know best” do not agree with . . . tough, your emeritus status is hereby cancelled (including your health benefits, etc.)] I always find it suspicious when the spokesperson for the group that first suggested this “cancel culture”-like policy at SDSU, the Academy Policy and Planning Committee, refuses to comment!

The second article described how Trader Joe’s caved to the accusation that it “belies a narrative of exoticism that perpetuates harmful stereotypes.” (When I read this, I must confess that I had no idea what the accusation actually meant!) An online petition by “” argued that a Trader Joe policy of “naming” certain foods after ethnic variations . . . in other words naming Middle Eastern foods, “Arabian Joe,” or naming “Trader Joe San” for Japanese foods was ?offensive – offensive to whom?, I might ask.

(To put this in perspective some yo-yo was “offended” by “Trader Giotto’s” for Italian foods, and got a bunch of similarly”offended” yo-yo’s to sign this ludicrous petition . . . and Trader Joe’s caved and is cancelling its further use of “ethnic-Joe” anything!

The third article involved a suit against Whole Foods by employees in Cambridge, Berkeley, and Seattle because Whole Foods would not allow them to wear face masks with “Black Lives Matter” on them. This despite the fact that the company policy prohibits any slogans, messages, or logos on worker’s attire. It will be interesting to see if Whole Foods changes its policy and caves to idiocy.

For me any store that allows BLM attire on its employees will no longer be receiving any of my business, and I encourage everyone to do the same.

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