
It’s mid-June and the school year here in California is soon about to start. 

Does anybody in charge know what, when, or how this is going to happen? (Please excuse my guffaw!)

Where is the leadership? . . . Apparently still in lockdown?

California’s Dept. of Education has just come out with a 55 page manual that has multiple suggestions/recommendations apparently for the “how?” I can only imagine how much gobble-gook is in those 55 pages. Some of the brilliant, yet implausible plans involve the possible rotating days when students are in class or at home, or rotating weeks in school or at home, and am/pm rotations. Has anybody at the Dept of Ed. thought about how these schedules would impact working parents?

Likewise the Dept. of Public Health has come out with 14 pages which involves plans to supply every school and child care center with no-touch thermometers, hand sanitizer, face shields for teachers, cloth coverings for staff and students, and N95 masks for health care professionals in schools. Keep in mind that there are about 6.2 million school students in California. Are all of these implements going to be reused? How often will they be replaced? Where is the money for all of this to come from?

The entire budget for the state will be in such a hole so deep, that the bottom of the hole will not be visible for years to come, so I guess they think, “why not spend whatever it takes to ‘open’ schools!”

Why is California reinventing the wheel? 

Children are back to school in Denmark, Austria, Norway, Finland, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, etc. How did they do it? What has been the outcome ?Elementary schools in Sweden were never closed. How have those children done?

I agree with congressman Devin Nunes (R,Ca) who in late March said, “The schools were just canceled out here in California, which is way overkill. It’s possible kids could have gone back to school in two weeks, four weeks.”

Note that this was reported in the L.A. Times on 4/1/20 . . . If only we had followed his advice back then!

My suggestion?

Start the kids back to school a.s.a.p while the weather is warm. No restrictions. No masks. No spacing, Normal sized classrooms, recesses,and lunches, etc. … back to the normal, usual, typical school. 

For those parents that do not want to do this . . . set up homeschool co-ops, go to private schools, or have their children take an authorized year off. For those teachers who do not want or cannot go back into a normal classroom, take an unpaid furlough or retire.

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