Brain Freeze ?

It is possible that the cold weather is doing something adverse to the brains of “those that know best” in Minnesota? A lot of prior residents of Minnesota are now ex-residents of Minnesota, as those whose brains are resistant to clouding/freezing by the cold, having already fled to warmer less liberal locales. Seemingly many of those that remain are uniquely susceptible to brain freeze, especially “those that know best!”

First off, from Townhall:

“Beginning in 2025, the rules of the state Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board will require that, ‘A teacher ensures student identities such as race/ethnicity, national origin, language, sex and gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical/developmental/ emotional ability, socioeconomic class, and religious beliefs are historically and socially contextualized, affirmed, and incorporated into a learning environment.’

People who believe in the God of the Bible or the God of the Quran will be forced to affirm an ideology that is contrary to their faith. This is not a recommendation; it’s a requirement for employment. 

This is inconsistent with Minnesota statutes, which plainly state, ‘It is the public policy of this state to secure for persons in this state, freedom from discrimination in employment because of race, color, creed, religion…’”

This is obviously a blatantly unconstitutional requirement for employment in Minnesota. Do “those that know best” in Minnesota not recall that there is a Constitution. Perhaps being “woke” in Minnesota implies that rational thinking is not allowed in that state!

Second, from BlazeNews, from the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota:

“A video captured a confrontation involving a Mall of America security guard telling a man wearing a ‘Jesus Saves’ T-shirt that his shirt is ‘offending’ shoppers at the famously large mall in Bloomington, Minnesota — and the guard ordered the man to remove the shirt or leave the mall.

The back of man’s shirt reads ‘Jesus is the only way’ and includes the well-known ‘coexist’ symbol crossed out. 

‘Jesus is associated with religion, and it’s offending people,’ a security guard tells the man in one clip, adding that ‘people have been offended.’

The guard adds, ‘Again … I’m giving you a couple options: take the shirt off, and you can go to Macy’s, and you can do your shopping — or you can leave the mall, OK? Those are your only options right now.’

The guard adds, ‘We’ve had guests come up saying that they’ve been offended by your shirt … take the shirt off, and you can go shopping!’”

Now granted, the security guard is probably  a “rental cop,” with no real authority, and I would surmise that he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. FYI, the Mall of America is totally indoors, and I would think that it would be unlikely that brain freeze would occur indoors. However, if he works in the Mall of America, he is likely a local, and consequently the odds are that he was “educated” in the same Minnesota public school system that thinks it can dictate what religion is okay for future teachers. The gentleman with the “Jesus Saves” T-shirt was not preaching nor proselytizing. He was merely shopping. 

Whether anyone was actually offended is beside the point … as wearing a religious T-shirt is certainly not contrary to any edict by the Mall of America or any law in the state of Minnesota … at least not yet!

What makes this absurd mandate by the security guard even worse is that the guard is white, and the Jesus Saves T-shirt guy is black … Hmmm!


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