Blast From the Past

(C)BS + (P)BS = (Real)B.S.

This was originally written and published on my blog back on 4/7/21!

Just another example of main stream media deceit.

A friend of mine insists that the Main Stream Media is not slanted one way or the other. He will never convince me of that, as to me the MSM is obviously not only slanted to the left, but also sometimes they just BS their viewers.

BTW: As everyone knows, in today’s vernacular, “B.S-ing” is merely a synonym for outright LYING!

What follows are two glaring examples of “BS-ing”:

From American Thinker:

In October, news broke that Hunter Biden had dropped a computer off at a repair store and never picked it up again.  The contents were so disturbing that the store owner tried to get the FBI interested.  When the FBI dropped the issue, the store-owner went public.  The left, with National Public Radio (locally PBS) taking the lead, immediately announced that the computer was probably a Russian fake.  Now, though, with Hunter admitting that it could well be his computer, PBS (NPR) is ‘fessing up that its reporting was wrong.

However, the media announced that the story was fake. The tech tyrants used that narrative as the justification to delete from social media any attempts to share the story.

(After the election, it turned out that the story was kept so secret that many ordinary Americans — unlike political obsessives — knew nothing about it.  A poll showed that one out of six people who voted for Biden would not have done so if they’d been aware of the computer and its contents.  Considering that Biden allegedly received over 81,000,000 votes, that means as many as 13,500,000 people would either have voted for Trump or withheld their votes from Biden.  Either way, no matter what Democrats did, they wouldn’t have been able to pretend Biden won.)

In a normal era, the story would have been a huge October surprise.

One of the leaders in the charge claiming that the computer was a Russian plant was PBS (NPR,which you, dear taxpayer, help pay for).  In October, NPR refused to cover the story.

What turns out to have been politically driven was NPR’s silence.

Later NPR cavalierly admitted that it made a massive error in reporting a major news item. There’s no remorse here.  NPR can make this admission because it knows it doesn’t matter. Its disgraceful behavior worked.

Another example of “BS-ing”:

The latest example of MSM deliberately twisting a story to have its intended effect be different from the truth is the CBS 60 Minute fiasco. For those of you not attuned to the obvious deceit by CBS, 60 Minutes  “interviewed” Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, and asked obviously leading questions which implied wrong-doing with the governor being in cahoots with Publix, a grocery chain. DeSantis thoughtfully responded and explained the entire situation . . . Conveniently 60 Minutes did not include his explanation, because of “time constraints.”

But apparently it’s worse that that.

From The Federalist:

Democrat Mayor of Palm Beach County Dave Kerner railed against CBS’s “60 Minutes.” Kerner said the special was “not just based on bad information – it was intentionally false.”

Kerner continued, “I know this because I offered to provide my insight into Palm Beach County’s vaccination efforts and 60 minutes declined.”

“They know that the Governor came to Palm Beach County and met with me and the County Administrator and we asked to expand the state’s partnership with Publix to Palm Beach County.”

Kerner continued:

“We also discussed our own local plans to expand mass vaccinations centers throughout the county, which the Governor has been incredibly supportive. We asked and he delivered. They had that information, and they left it out because it kneecaps their narrative.”

In addition, Florida’s Director of Emergency Management Jared Moskowitz, who previously served in the state legislature as a Democrat, also dispelled CBS’s conspiracy theory that DeSantis rammed COVID vaccines through Publix after the Miami Herald made the same claims in March.

“This idea why Publix was picked has been utter nonsense,” Moskowitz wrote. “We reached out to all pharmacies and they were the only one who at the time could execute on the mission.”

Hmmm! Two different Florida Democrats saying that CBS knowingly attempted to deceive its viewers. It seems as if 60 Minutes got caught with its hand in the cookie jar . . . In other words it lied by only including info that reinforced their leftward-slanted narrative.

Will 60 Minutes take the high road and apologize to its viewers for intentionally misleading them? Hmmm! 

My money is on, “No, it won’t.” I’ll cover all bets, and that is no BS.



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