Birds of a Feather

From Blaze media:

Looks like GoFundMe (GFM) CEO Tim Cadogan can’t take the heat after his crowdfunding platform shut down the “Freedom Convoy 2022” fundraiser for Canadian truckers and refused to distribute thereported $10 million raised on their behalf. Cadogan apparently decided to lock down his Twitter account, which is such a shame because now he might miss out on all the “nice” things folks are saying about him.(Actually just of number of different ways to rightly accuse Cadogan a being a “coward.” One of the more astute comments said, “If he believed he was doing the right thing he wouldn’t be hiding like this.”)

When the trucker convoy comes to Washington, D.C. I will be contributing to the trucker’s cause via GiveSendGo, and certainly not GFM.

Protest organizers say they are willing to talk with the government, but so far no government representatives have contacted them.

“The first thing they’ve got to do is call us. … We’re sitting here, we’re waiting by the phone,” protest organizer Benjamin Dichter said in a press conference in Ottawa on Feb. 6.

Similarly, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who after smearing the truckers as extremists, went into hiding, and said that he has Covid. Okay if someone has Covid, isolation is appropriate … but isolating in an unknown locale?  for an unknown period of time ? …  Hmmm! Trudeau has said he won’t be meeting with the protesters.

Looks like Cadogan isn’t the only coward that knows he’s on the wrong side of history.

FYI : Following the lead of Canadian truckers in Ottawa, a growing number of trucker-inspired protests appear to be gaining momentum worldwide—with groups forming in the Netherlands, Austria, the United States, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

Based on the behavior of Justin Trudeau, I anticipate a deluge of “Covid diagnoses, and the subsequent isolation of many in charge in the above noted countries.

BTW: I am sure that everyone hopes that the Prime Minister escapes unscathed from his bout of yellow fever … err from his “Covid,” and consequently the weeks of isolation for the pretty boy will soon be over!


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