Balderdash, Poppycock, Insanity, Nonsense

As a retired physician who had close to forty years of practicing medicine, I can affirm that medicine is both an art and a science. I had proclaimed many times that often the “art” was just as important as the “science.” However the “science” part is essential as far as understanding the underlying way the human body works. Just as a car mechanic needs to understand not only the parts of a carburetor, but also how these parts interact with each other, similarly a physician needs to know not only the parts of the human body (anatomy) but also how they interact with each other in health (physiology) and with disease (pathophysiology).

If a mechanic does not understand the basics of a carburetor, it would be of no surprise to anyone that his work would be shoddy and hit-and-miss. Can we extend this metaphorical comparison to physicians?

If a physician does not understand the basic science of the human body, would it be surprising that he/she might be hit-and-miss when it comes to an accurate diagnosis? If the group that portends to the representative of physicians in general does not seem to understand basic science, how likely is it that the same group will be anything but hit-and-miss in just about anything they do? 


This group is the AMA. No, I was never a member of the AMA, because they were about as useful as the appendix. However, here recently they demonstrated the epitome of “wokeness” when they proclaimed that the sex of a newborn should not be entered as M or F on a birth certificate. Balderdash! Poppycock! Insanity! Nonsense! 

Now what is the AMA is really saying? 

Are they saying that no one should be able to tell M from F, or are they saying that it is of no importance? Are they telling us that the science is not important, or are they telling us that they are incapable of discerning the obvious? 

Think for a second about the mechanic who cannot tell the difference between a Ford carburetor and a Volkswagen carburetor … would you trust him with your car? An obviously rhetorical question, but the obvious answer is “not on a bet!” Similarly, why would anyone ever place any faith in an organization that cannot distinguish M from F?  Perhaps also a somewhat rhetorical question. However rhetorical or not, let’s say that I am happy and proud to say that in the past I never contributed to and in the future will never contribute one dime to that woke group! 


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