Bad Hombres

Last week in raids in eight states and Washington D.C. 498 illegal immigrants from 42 countries were arrested. Of these only 181 did not have a prior criminal conviction. I presume that the rest were “bad hombres.”

Also last week an immigration sweep in the Bay Area resulted in the arrest of 27 illegals –  most with past criminal convictions. It certainly appears that if those arrested had a prior criminal conviction, that they were indeed “bad hombres.”

On 10/5/17 Governor Brown of California signed SB 54, making California a “sanctuary state”. SB 54 vastly limits who state and local law enforcement agencies can hold, question, and transfer at the request of federal immigration authorities. This bill is viewed by many as an effort by Democrats to shield the 2.3 million undocumented individuals in California. Wow! 2.3 million!!  How many of these 2.3 million are “bad hombres?”  How many are “good hombres?” Just as important, how many of those 2.3 million hombres vote? Perhaps a topic for another day.

Anyone with a brain is aware that the Democrats have to look like they are doing something for their compadres – ergo SB54 . . . but “have the Democrats done it again?” In their fantasy world have the Democrats again done something which will do more harm than good for those individuals that they say they are trying to help?

Did they think that the federal government would just “roll over” because Governor Brown signed a piece of paper?

In response to the passage and the signing of SB54, Thomas Homan, one of the nation’s top immigration officials, said the following:

“Ultimately SB 54 helps shield removable aliens from immigration enforcement and creates another magnet for more illegal immigration – all at the expense of the safety and security of the very people it purports to protect.” He warned that there will be “no choice” but to arrest unauthorized immigrants in California neighborhoods and work sites, and that immigrants arrested in California are likely to be moved to out of state detention centers. This does not sound like “rolling over.”

Likewise San Diego Country Sheriff, Bill Gore, has concerns that jail deputies will no longer be able to notify authorities prior to the release of non-citizen inmates that are potential chronic troublemakers. He comments, “Instead of taking them into custody in the facility, they will be out in the neighborhoods.  It tends to make us less safe.” What communities will these “minor” (post SB54) “bad hombres” be returning to?  I would venture to guess that it will not be the neighborhoods that most of these Democratic State Congressmen and Governor Jerry Brown live in!

Doesn’t this seem a bit backward? The Democrats and Governor Brown as a result of SB54 are now trying to shield potential “bad hombres”, and the result may be that “good (but still illegal) hombres” will no longer be safe in their neighborhoods or at work! It seems logical to me that the “bad hombres” should be the first to go back to where they came from, but dem Dems apparently don’t think so!

One might ask, “Does the SB in SB54 actually stand for:                                                Save the Bad (Hombres) ?


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