Avoid a Problem or Try to Fix It

In general, it is always easier to preemptively do something to avoid a problem rather that trying to fix that same problem once it it already on the scene and picking up steam. 

For instance, Europe is in a real pickle as it was going green in reference to energy without a real backup plan. 

On 5/30 the European Union agreed to ban most imports of Russian oil. This is after they had already barred imports of Russian natural gas.

With the war driving up prices, the European Union has been paying Russia 23 billion a month for Russian oil, while Russia is financing the war primarily with revenue from the sale of refined petroleum and natural gas.

Note that 27% of the EU’s imported oil comes from Russia, and energy generated from windmills is not going to be able to take up the slack. Now the EU will be forced to scramble to find alternative sources of energy, and guaranteed, for the people of the European Union, it is going to be quite painful.

Oops, perhaps they should have had a plan in place to preemptively deal with any energy emergency.

Here in the U.S we can snicker at the foolishness of those dunderheads in charge in the E.U. for not having the foresight to plan ahead. However, in the US it appears that we also have similar numbskulls in charge. With their uber printing of money shouldn’t they have seen inflation coming? (Economists generally agree that a COVID relief package passed last spring, which injected more money into the economy, exacerbated inflation.) Of course, they should have seen it coming. However, as best I can tell their only plan was to blame it on something else other than their own ineptitude. 

Likewise, with the shutting down of pipelines and the restrictions on drilling, should someone have asked, “what are we going to do when the price of gas goes up to $6 and beyond?” Err, of course, someone should have been able to see what was going to happen. Their plan, ostensibly, is to blame Putin even though the increase in gas prices started well before Putin invaded Ukraine..

Speaking of Ukraine, does anyone else think that it would have prudent to take a stand against Putin while he was amassing 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border? To me this is just another example of reacting instead of thinking ahead by our dunderhead-in-charge!



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