
I just read an interesting article in the Epoch Times by an Australian professor, Augusto Zimmermann. He is professor and head of law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education in Perth, Australia.

While I do not like to be preachy in my blog pieces, keep in mind that the following comments are made by an Australian professor about Australia. 

Any similarity to what is occurring in the United States is purely coincidental.

The title of his op-ed is:

“Abandoning God May Have Disastrous Consequences” 

Most of the following is taken directly from Professor Zimmerman’s piece:

“While the Australian legal tradition cannot lay claim to the historical depth it has in the United States; it was nevertheless built on solid religious foundations.

“While the role of Christianity in Australia’s history is irrefutable, it is often critiqued and brushed aside with contempt. After all, the religious makeup of Australia has changed remarkably over the last 50 years, and the recent 2021 census shows Australians are less religious than ever.

“For the first time, fewer than half of Australians identify as Christian. In fact, only less than 44 percent of the population now profess to be Christian, down from 52 percent five years earlier and 61 percent in 2011. When the first census was conducted in 1911, 96 percent of Australians self-identified as Christian.

“In the census of 1961, only 0.7 percent of Australians identified as having no religion. But now, almost 40 percent of Australians say they have no religious beliefs.

“It is now an appropriate time for an accounting of the tangible human and social benefits of religion and the recognition of the potential disadvantages to Australia becoming a less religious society, given the growing number of Australians saying they have no religious belief.

“When a significant majority of Australians embraced the Christian religion, there was a general agreement on fundamental moral questions. Our law reflected the moral principles of Christianity, which required equality before the law and the protection of inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property. The task of political leaders was basically to uphold these objective principles that used to underpin our legal system and protect us from arbitrary government.

“But Australia has now witnessed an increasing antagonism to anything that can be remotely associated with the Christian religion. 

“This perhaps explains the appallingly submissive attitude of most Australians during the pandemic. This issue may be explained by the spectacular decline of belief in God and the practice of religion.

“Arguably, the decline of Christianity resulted in the establishment of a secular state that involves a more faithful acceptance of government as an all-powerful protector of the community. As such, all explanations given by government chief medical officers, whose advice politicians then impose on a submissive population with a great level of zealotry, are entirely accepted with no further questioning.

“As can be seen, there is an inevitable consequence in embracing an irreligious view of human nature and turning away from religion. When religion is more comprehensively eradicated from Australia’s culture and society, it will be quite difficult to ignore that without a belief in God, there is also no final human accountability.

Or, as the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky stated in ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ ‘If God does not exist, everything is permitted.’

This can lead to disastrous consequences, and I sincerely fear for the future of Australia.”

Perhaps as you were reading this your mind wandered as did mine … “this is America; this is where the U.S. is headed.” 

As of 12/2021, self-identified Christians make up 63% of U.S. population in 2021, down from 75% a decade ago.

I sincerely fear for the future of the U.S.



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