Are They Related ?

First from the Daily Caller:

After ordering a lockdown for her city, the black Democratic Chicago Mayor, Lori Lightfoot defended her attendance at a mass celebration for President-elect Joe Biden, saying people “need to have relief.”

Lightfoot announced on 11/12 that Chicago residents should “cancel traditional Thanksgiving plans” in the interests of social distancing and public safety as the coronavirus continues to surge in her city and across the U.S.

“With this new surge in cases, we have just got to step up and do the right thing. And I think people understand that. We know a lot more … than what we knew back in the spring. We’ve got a lot more data. We understand better on how this virus spreads,” Lightfoot said.

Lightfoot stated that right now “the biggest risk that we’re seeing in our city is in these private spaces and gatherings” such as a Thanksgiving dinner gathering. 

Meanwhile, while the governor asks Californians to forgo large gatherings this year, Newsom was spotted at a large birthday celebration in Napa Valley last week.

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

The dinner the night of Nov. 6 at the famed French Laundry in Yountville in Napa County brought together at least 12 people to celebrate the 50th birthday of Jason Kinney, a longtime friend and political adviser to Newsom who is also a partner at the lobbying firm Axiom Advisors. In addition to the governor, his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, was in attendance.

State guidelines limit gatherings, defined as “social situations that bring together people from different households at the same time in a single space or place,” to no more than three households. Representatives for Kinney and Newsom declined to specify how many households the diners represented, but did not dispute that it was more than three.

So again we have a situation here in California that is reminiscent of Nancy Pelosi’s haircut  “do as I say, not as I do,” fiasco a few months back. I have been told Ms. Pelosi and Gavin the G.are somehow related, so perhaps they share the “I am better than you commoners” gene. 

So the obvious question remains . . .  Are Gavin Newsom and Lori Lightfoot related?

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