Another Misleading Headline ?

On 9/25/21 a headline on the front page of my local “newspaper” read:

“Republican-commissioned ballot review in Arizona reaffirms Biden victory. To be fair although it was in my paper, in actuality this article was from the Washington Post. The conclusion of this article was basically that there was no evidence that the paper ballots were altered to any significant degree. In other words, ‘Biden won; suck it up loser Republicans.’

Now since that article on 9/25/21, I have not seen any follow-up in my local “newspaper.”

This morning I read an interesting follow-up piece by Grace Saldana on Freedom Wire that paints an entirely different picture than does the above mentioned WaPo article.

The following is from that Saldana piece:

“Arizona’s Maricopa County forensic election audit for the 2.1 million ballots cast in the 2020 election was far from the “bust” the Left predicted it would be.

First things first, the most shocking revelation Maricopa County officials revealed in the audit release on Friday afternoon was, by far, this: An unnamed election official used an unassigned login to wipe all of Maricopa County’s election data just one day before the forensic audit was set to begin.

That is important context to know because it means the data that auditing firm Cyber Ninjas was able to recover was tampered with from the get-go. We may never know if the previously deleted data is the same as what was recovered.”

Thus far … speculation. However the following facts are not speculation.

  • 255,326 early votes don’t have a record in the county
  • 173,104 votes were lost, and 284,412 ballot images were “corrupt or missing”
  • 96,389 ghost votes
  • 23,344 mail-in ballots from people who no longer lived at their recorded address
  • 17,322 duplicate ballots were discovered
  • 9,041 mail-in voters returned more than one ballot
  • 2,382 Arizonans voted in person who did not live in Maricopa County anymore
  • 2,081 people who voted were no longer residents of the state
  • 277 precincts had more ballots cast than residents

“To put this in perspective, the 2020 election was certified for Biden by just 10,457 votes more than Trump. If just a few of these discrepancies were even close to the truth, the election should at the very least be decertified as Trump has consistently called for.”

If I were writing a headline for the 2020 voting in Maricopa County, it would read something like this:

“Hundreds of thousands of very suspicious ballots show up in Maricopa  county, suggesting that the election results were likely fraudulent”


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